What me and my G19 learned in our first IDPA match


New member
Ok, she tried it! Me and my (new to me) Glock 19 drove a hour to a range I'd never seen, Steel City Sport Shooting Association http://www.scssa.org, to meet with some strangers to shoot an IDPA match. I mostly went because i need practice and have nowhere to shoot and this was a way to get some practice.

What a deal! Me, and one young boy, and about a couple dozen nice men. Where else can a girl go for fun that compares to this? :D

It was cold and wet from yesterday's rain when we started and we got a bit muddy on some stages... nothing like kneeling in cold mud to keep you awake! :rolleyes:

We had six stages and each stage had multiple strings. We shot regular targets, bad guy targets intermingled with good guy targets, we shot from standing, walking (in a number of directions), seated and from behind cover... we shot one handed and two handed... at poppers, sets of round steel targets, and other stuff i can't even remember.

What did I learn? Loads! For example, I learned that
  • I shouldn't worry about how fast I shoot, "it's hitting the target, stupid." :)
  • Front sight, front sight, front sight. :D
  • Shooting while moving sideways is particularly hard. :o
  • I need to practice shooting with one hand. :(
  • I need to practice reloading with one hand (watching the revolver guys do this was quite enlightening!) :eek:
  • You can 'rescue your buddy'(better known as Bubba the Bowling Pin), drag him to safety while shooting bad guy targets... and not feel silly! :p
  • Those metal targets... sometimes don't fall even if you hit them... and sometimes fall for absolutely no reason at all! :mad:
  • Even the really good shooters have problems now and then. Ever forget to rack the slide? ...insert the mag improperly? ...stroke the trigger and hear "click"? don't worry, it happens to those who know more than you. :)
  • When I'm really tired... my trigger stroke is gone... front sight, press... :(
  • I got to spend 6 hours with a bunch of nice men, doing something fun, and it only cost me $5! :cool:

For the record, my (new to me) Glock 19 performed flawlessly, even though I didn't. Over 100 rounds. I lost count... No misfires, no malfunctions, etc. For what it's worth, I am using georgia arms "canned heat" 9mm 115 gr FMJ bulk purchased ammo.

In summary, this was the most fun I've had all year (ok, it's early yet). I met a lot of nice folks, learned some useful stuff, and made some new friends. I even have someone to shoot with next week and a place to do it [believe me, THAT'S a miracle].

Have a wonderful day!


PS. yes i know i overdid the smilies... but well... it's just the way i feel...
Amelia, why did you choose a Glock? Don't take this question the wrong way, I own 2 (G30 & G27) and bought my wife a G23. Just curious as to your reasons for packing
I agree, combat shooting is a hoot.
Why i chose the Glock 19

Hi dk6,

I chose the glock 19 because that is what i have learned to shoot and what i have trained with.

To begin with, i was introduced to guns in general by someone who carries glocks (not 19s though) and who took the time to explain a lot of basic things to me about guns and gun safety and personal defense. Under his supervision, I shot one briefly in the spring.

Another friend then offered the loan of her 19 for some training in the fall. Incidently, the trainer of that course, who doesn't carry a Glock or anything "plastic", also seconded the advice that a 19 is a good carry gun for me. I spent 16 intense hours over two days with that borrowed 19 and learned how to hit the target (well most of the time) with it and how to load it, clear it, etc. I have shot a few other guns (all semi-autos) that folks have loaned to me or passed to me at the range to try or whatever. That's the only way I had to try out things. I can't imagine buying a gun model that I haven't really tried out.

After the training course, I concluded a Glock 19 was for me and I looked for a 2nd generation one (no finger grooves) as the one i'd trained with had a reduced grip... so I thought the finger grooves in the new ones would make it too hard to handle for my hands. I'm doing fine with the no finger grooves one I have purchased, so i don't think i will get a grip reduction.

Briefly, some obvious reasons, then, are
1. it's light.
2. it's dependable.
3. it fits my hands.
4. it's concealable.
5. it ain't gonna rust.
6. 15 rounds mags are available.
7. i have proved to myself i can shoot it.


Have a nice day!


You found my favorite style of shooting! :D

I'm one of those "old timers" that shot IPSC back when it was still, at least a little, Practical. I left that "sport" a long time ago and jumped on the IDPA bandwagon as soon as it started up 'round here.

We, some shooting buddies of mine and I, started our own IDPA club so we don't have to drive very far anymore to enjoy this style of shooting.

Best of luck...
Good going Amelia; and I know for a fact that you enjoyed every minute of it!!!:):D Sorry, I couldn't join with the
fun; maybe next time? Glad to hear the good report on the

Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
If I ever find some folks in my own county who are interested in IDPA... well, then... :D

Ala Dan
Hey buddy! You should have been there! The next one is Feb 10. You can shoot that mean ol' revolver and your semi-auto in different divisions, ya know. ;)

Tom B
I'll admit my ignorance here and ask why 124 gr is more accurate? :) I have a lot of the 115 gr, so it'll be a while before I order more. But, inquiring minds want to know!
Different guns like different ammo but I have found that my Glock 9mms like the 124gr weights. Some say the Glock and other European handguns were designed around the 124gr NATO round. I would try it and some other weights in your G19 to see which is more accurate. By the way I traded for my second G19 today. Second gen. This one has titanium striker,Harts recoil rod and nite sights. I don't know about this striker maybe someone who has used them can comment.
Tom, chuck that striker as it is just a gimmick. Amelia, glad you had a good time. I was a member and vice president of that very same range for many years. Glad to see it is still alive. We shot some of the first "combat" matches there in the mid '70s. I moved to Atlanta in 1986 and have not been back to the range. I shoot an IDPA match every Wed. night indoors and a couple of outdoor matches each month.
Welcome to IDPA.. its a gas.

Our chapter has quite a few women competeting and yes even the pros mess up sometimes.

Its all about having good fun while doing serious training.

Its amazing to watch how many guns malfunction (seen it in all makes and models).

Its also amazing to watch the REALLY good shooters do it fast and accurately. hopefully someday I'll catch up. i'm getting better oh so slowly (been shooting IDPA for nearly a year now)

Never had a popper (full sized or small steel) that didn't drop from a solid hit with my 115gr UMC 9mm loads.

Welcome to the sport and good shooting to you.
That's my club!

You found it! I have been a member for 15-20 years. There have been a LOT of improvements to the range over the last coupla years, coinciding with the Hoover PD being given some range access in exchange for capital improvements. I paved road, paved lot, and "auto-magic" gate, can you believe it? If y'all plan to shoot next month, lemme know and I'll try to at least drop by. Amelia, you'll be easy to spot, I bet <G>. If the weather is not tooo bad, I plan to shoot in the club benchrest match this Saturday.
Y'all are too nice.

Hutch: I plan to be there next month for the IDPA match. Look for the shooter with the longest hair. ;)

What's a benchrest match?

Dr Rob: I really had a ball. One guy in my flight was shooting both a SSP and a revolver and practically perfectly. Another guy used a snub-nosed revolver so well I was amazed.

Tom B: I'm jealous. My glock wants a buddy. I hope to buy another 2nd gen in a few months. Mine is stock plus meprolight night sights. I'll try some 124gr next time I buy ammo.


I like that range... but I wish it wasn't an hour drive to get there! :D
Benchrest match

That's where a bunch of anal-retentive types (and I) get together to try to shoot teeny-tiny little-bitty groups at 100 yards. The real gurus use rifles that would be nearly useless for any other purpose. I have shot a Remington 700VS (varmint rifle) in cal .308Win, but I only compete with other varmint rifle or tactical rifle shoothers.

The guys who have the spec-built benchrest rifles won't even crack a grin unless their 5-shot groups AVERAGE less than .2 inches.

Right now the weather forecast is poor, so I may give the next BR match a pass.
I have never even shot a rifle...

But, .2 inch groups seems unbelievable to me... but I suppose it's not with the right equipment.
One of these guys has a target (I've seen it at his house) with a 5-shot group he shot in competition at 200yds (as in, 600 feet), that is officially measured as .118 center-to-center.

Just think, a year from now, you'll be the old salt watching the newbies discover a wonderful sport. :D
