What manufacturers currently use internal locks?


New member
What manufacturers currently use internal locks for any of their revolvers? I don't want to rehash if the locks are good or bad, just curious what manufacturers and models currently have them. Thank you.
I think only S&W. Not familiar with Taurus.

I don't have one with a lock, but I love them. They make all my S&Ws much more valuable.
"And don't we all sleep better for it. (typed with tongue firmly planted in cheek)"

That must get uncomfortable after a while.

When the Ruger New Vaquero came out in 2005, it had a lock built into the grip. When engaged the lock would prevent the hammer from being cocked. It was very tastefully done, if you did not use the lock you would never know it was there. In fact, in order to use the lock you had to drill a hole in one of the grips so the key could access the lock. As I said, if you did not drill the hole there was no indication the lock was there, and the revolver came from the factory with the lock set so the gun could be fired. Ruger even cast a dimple on the inside of the right grip to show exactly where to drill if you wanted to use the lock. I have two of these and I elected not to drill the holes and have never used the locks.


This New Vaquero was made in 2013. I bought it very slightly used a couple of months ago. As you can see, it does not have the lock in it. I cannot say whether or not other Rugers have an internal lock, but it appears to me that the New Vaquero no longer has it. If you look really close, you can see that Ruger is still using the same molds for the earlier 'lock version' of the New Vaquero grips. The dimple to drill the hole is still there, although the lock is not.

I called Ruger and was told they stopped the internal lock a few years ago on the LCR, SP101, and GP100. My next revolver will be a Ruger. I have all Smith revolvers, but my 442 Pro and 640 Pro are the last of the Smiths without the lock that I will buy. My next will be a GP100 or SP101 as I will not buy any gun with an internal lock.
The S&W internal safety can be removed. You are left with the hole in the frame. I can live with that. Then again, I'm neither a collector or a purest.

I realize there are legal matters to be concerned with but I consider them to be very remote.
I've no use foe S&W since it caved to Hillary. It can keep its damned handguns.

I wouldn't look at a Ruger gun after that senile moron, Bill Ruger, said that no civilian had need for magazine capacity greater than 10 rounds.

It took me about 30 years before I caved and bought a GP-100. I'd of gone with an S&W but for its alliance with the evil witch.

THERE IS NO NEED FOR A SAFETY ON ANY REVOLVER!!! A safety on a double action revolver eliminates it as a self-defense weapon.
Bersa has internal locks on some of it's Handguns. I have the 9UC which has one. I personally like the internal lock. Just have an extra key.