What makes a scope cheap???
I was after a 14 point buck for 3-4 years. Finally saw him in the open at 330 yards. I had a Knight muzzle loader good for about 150-175 yards. Had a Simmons 44 Mag scope. Day was wet, cold drizzle. Started a stalk...looked through my scope & it was fogged solid. One lesson...if it doesn't say waterproof IT AIN'T.
If you're shooting targets with a .22 that's one thing. I missed the chance at the deer of a lifetime because I had a crap scope. Now all my hunting rifles have B & L's, Leo's, or Burris. I'd rather put a $500 scope on a $250 rifle than the other way around.
I see guys say they can't afford a better scope. That's bull. Bet they can afford a $30,000 4x4 truck, a $6,000 four-wheeler or $50 a week for cigarettes. I don't trade in my guns and have some for many, many years. I will never have to worry about the scopes. Optics is one area that you get what you pay for. Now, if you want to save money, see if your local dealer will pull high quality scope off a trade-in. Leo's have lifetime warranty. Used scopes go way cheap and probably have less chance of something going wrong with them than the gun they're on.