What knives are legal to carry in California?


New member
Actually, a better question would be what features make a knife illegal to carry?

Any response would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance everyone :).
That is a good, informative and generally accurate page that Jim March linked to however this bit right here is just plain wrong:

"If it was a city or county cop, make a THEFT complaint in detail with your nearest California Highway Patrol station (they investigate local wrongdoing). If it was CHP, hmmm...complain to the CHP supervisors maybe, or the Sheriff, but for God's sake don't let 'em off clean."

The CHP does not investigate "local wrongdoing" at all, they investigate traffic collisions, traffic offenses, DUIs, stolen vehicles, etc. If you have a complaint about a particular officer seizing your property for evidence, contact his supervisor. If you are still not satisfied, contact that person's supervisor and so on until you hit the Chief or Sheriff(or whatever underling of the highest rank that will see you.) Still not satisfied? Start in on the City/County officials, like councilmen or supervisors and such. Still no satisfaction, contact an attorney and start legal proceedings.

And please, forget about the FBI or other federal agency, they aren't going to investigate some street cop who took your pocket knife.
Well, far be it from me to steal thunder from the professionals, but if you are not caught, er, carry what you think is wise. Slick Bill Clinton would confirm this if you can get an audience.

Knives are "arms". Covered by 2A. That is a personal opinion, not legal, but history supports it.

I carry a marginally useful (in terms of self-defense) knife everyday, and use it 2-3 times a day for odd tasks. In a real pinch, better than nothing, and since I am untrustworthy to get a carry permit in this part of CA (TX doesn't feel the same way, had a permit there for the last decade), it is my last line.
This is NOT legal advice.

I would stay with a blade that is less than 3". Although the recent bill signed by Obama classifies assisted spring folders as non-switchblades, I would stay away from those as well, since there is still a lot of interpretation at the local level.

Go here for more info: http://law.onecle.com/california/penal/626.10.html

What knives are legal to carry in California?
Actually, a better question would be what features make a knife illegal to carry?