what kind of oc spray?


What are your opinions on what kind of oc spray to buy? Does effectiveness vary from brand to brand? If so, what are good brands? What about stream vs. mist or foam? What about the stuff with both pepper and cs gas? How many heat units are recommended? What is the strongest stuff? Should I pay attention to percentage ratings, heat units or both? Where online would I find high-quality spray? Thanks for the help! :)
stream is the way to go, as it is less likely to blow back in your face. At work, we carry "freeze +p." Having been sprayed with this at the academy, let me offer this: it sucks a lot to be sprayed. It took me about 30 minutes to recovery enough to where I could keep my eyes open. Also let me add, that in the class of 41, I think 2 people were not that affected by it. One was a woman who said that it was nothing compared to childbirth. The other was a guy who was affected for a couple of minutes, but that was all.