What kind of hunting is the most exciting?

Futo Inu

New member
What game, which can be sought year after year, without excessive cost (i.e. excluding African hunting, for example), is the most exciting/exhilirating/satisfying to hunt? What's the most fun, if you were to recommend just one hunting type to hook a noob on the sport?
My vote goes for Dove hunting.

The weather is good if not too hot. You don't have to be real quiet. Perfect concealment is more for the hunters peace of mind than needed. And you can smell however you want as long as you keep getting invited.

All this really applies to most bird hunting except ducks and turkey. It seems that Doves are more plentiful and it can be done sedentary or by walking and dogs are more a luxury than necessity.

All you need is a shotgun some cheap light shells and maybe some light-weight camo. I got started on Doves and Bird hunting is still my favorite although I just killed my first deer last year.

I'll be moving to Edmond in August and I plan on trying to find a place to dove hunt by the Sep 1 opener.

the hardest thing about dove hunting is hitting them but the close misses are almost as fun.
As far as pure adrenalin? Nothing scares me more than a ruffed grouse exploding out from under my feet! ;)
Black bear has gotten me quite excited when I've seen them.
Assuming you get with a congenial group on leasing a reasonably good deer-hunting ranch...

Start out in October, scouting. After all, you can't get introduced to Ol' Biggie until you've checked out who lives where around the pasture, and how big they are.

A really good buck maybe only makes one mistake a year. That first time you saw him might have been his only mistake--and you gotta find him the scond time, after the season opens, to shoot him.

Then, you go sneaky-snaking around his bedroom area, trying to kick him out of bed. All you gotta do then is identify him to be sure he's who you think he is, and shoot him.

Of course, if he's in 5th gear, wide open throttle, there can be a bit of a challenge. If he boils out from under a bush you're about to step through, it has been known to be a bit exciting.

:D, Art
For me it's split two ways, but both are due to the audible nature of the hunt.

First, for sheer adrenalin pumping excitement, there's nothing better than bugling to bull elk during the archery hunt. I could talk to these bulls all day long and have a fullfilling hunt without ever actually taking a shot!

Second would be following my hounds after their quarry. Listening to that hound music and knowing they' they're doing just what they were trained to do is the most satisfying thing I've ever done. Just running after them brings on the feeling of accomplishment. Its a greatly satisfying hunt even when the goal is to let the quarry go in the end to run again another day after merely having his photo taken...
Calling coyotes and other critters with a varmint call must rate as some of the most exciting hunting known to man.
Hog hunting! year round action inexpensive and there is no bag limit. And of course while your out persuing hogs a man has got to stop and call coyotes as well. I agree that there are few things more exhilerating than calling coyote in. Dollar for dollar that is.