what kind of accuracy could i expect from a tracker in 357 mag?


New member
I have read two articles on the 357 and one on the 41 mag, and none of the three have reported accuracy better than 3.5 inch groups. what kind of groups could one expect from one of these titanium guns, or even one of the stainless ones? I like the concept, but i want someting better than 3 inches at 25, i can do better than that with my snubby 357 m606.
You deserve an answer.

There is literally no way to tell what kind of accuracy the specific gun you buy will deliver. You can only guess, based on reviews, what others have gotten from their specific guns.

The one (regardless of brand or cost) you end up with could be a 'dog', or it could be a 'champion'.
You pays your money and you takes your chances.

I'll stick to my oh-so-heavy GP100's. Both are tack-drivers (once, literally).
Hi, Weshoot,

I think you have some valid points, but I'd like to respectfully disagree on the basis that I have never read any review or seen any anecdotal evidence in which people bragged about the accuracy of Taurus guns. Now, Tauruses are very nice - I like Taurus guns, and I know one of those Ti .45's is destined for me - but they just don't seem as accurate.

I read a review of the Tracker by Jan Libourel (one of the more cantankerous writers out there) that talked about 3" groups if I remember correctly.
I have handled and fired too many different brands and types to believe you can paint all guns from one manufacturer with the same brush.

In my personal experience Taurus revolvers are not normally 'tack-drivers', but it doesn't mean you automatically get a crappy one.
And if you do send it back! The warranty is great!
Dick Metcalf reviewed it in Shooting Times

earlier this year, IIRC. Several loads were uner two inches at 25yds, with the vast majority under 3". I do not know if you expect more than that or not. BTW, if you try to find it, it is pictured on the cover with a P97 Ruger .45 which was endurance tested in the same issue.
no offense, and I don't mean to argue, but ....

Ever notice how Dick Metcalf gets 1" groups with almost every handgun he tests?

Ever wonder about that?
None taken. A Ransom Rest, perhaps?

Though, most writers will state if they are using one or not. Honestly, I just don't read enough of that rag to know of that proclivity. I'll take your word for it though.:)
Dick's liked every gun he's ever tested.


"all my disbelief is factory disbelief"
I think it's best that unless you have personal experience with a particular gun model, not to condemn it out of hand.

Dyed-in-the-wool Ruger fans, S&W fans etc. never think ANY other company makes comparable guns, thus making it impossible for any other company to get a fair shake as far as objective opinion's go about their guns.
Hey Lucky!

I could care less who makes what, what it looks like, color, or cost (within reason).

What I care about is PERFORMANCE. ONLY.

I own multiple brands, including Taurus (my auto 'always'). So I back up my talk by betting my life on one.
My wife bets on a S&W.
All my test wheels are Rugers.

Don't ignore experience; it's what teaches us to keep our fingers out of fires...
ok, how many do I have to have owned to have an opinion as "valid" as yours?


It's a staple on this board to accuse anybody who speaks the truth of not having as much "experience" as you do. That just doesn't work, since you really don't know who the person on the other end of the Internet might be.

Not everyone here is a new person to guns, and frankly, it's a bit insulting to be treated like one for no reason. And as far as "Ruger/Smith/whatever worshippers", I'm not. I don't need to be since cold hard OBJECTIVE facts back up my reasoning here.

I think the "condemning" remark was meant for me. And again, I'm not arguing with you guys, since I'm confident in my own experience. I never condemned Taurus at all. I said they were "good" guns. But I don't think you'll see the serious level of accuracy out of them that a "great" gun displays - such as a good S&W or Ruger. Don't believe me? That's fine. I've gone to the trouble of testing a lot of Taurus's side-by-side to the other brands, but hey, what do I know, right? I'm sure in your vast experience outweighs mine, no matter how much I've had, right?
hey guys relax, we have enough trouble fighting off the anti gunners without fighting amongst ourselves(how the heck to you spell amongst)thanks for your imput guys.