What is your favorite cartridge?


New member
I was told the most popular cartridge for rifle hunting in general is 30-06.
I have seen so many different cartridges out there today.
Win, Rem, WSM, WSSM, Wby and so on.
What is the most popular cartridge out there today?
Don't know for sure what the most popular is, but I'd say the '06 probably is near th top, if we're talking big game. My personal favorite deer caliber is the 243 Winchester.
They run a survey at the rifle range here in Alaska every fall as to what folks are sighting in for hunting and the 30-06 usually wins.

5.56. (.223) If popularity is judged by sales, this takes it hands down. The military buys these by the tens, if not hundreds of millions.
As far a civilian sales are concerned, the .22 LR wins in a breeze.
If civilian center fire ammo is what you had in mind, I have to go along with the '06
My favorite is the .308 Win.
For a "one size fits all" cartridge, I prefer the '06. As far as personal favorites, I add the .243 and then the .220 Swift.

That doesn't mean I don't respect--or don't have rifles for--other cartridges, but those are my favorites.

:), Art
Personal favorite is a tough one.
Rimfire pistol= 22 long rifle
Revolver= 32 H&R magnum/45 Long Colt
Overall handgun=45ACP
Rimfire rifle=22 long rifle
Deer=25/06 / 308
Big Game=30/378 Weatherby magnum
Overall rifle=308 Winchester
Overall winner=308 Winchester
I meant in Big Game

I personally like 243.
Though many people are talking me into more power.
Well, if I want more power I like something like 30-06 so I can use same rifle from deer to bear. Then I saw this Winchester catalogue talking about WSM & WSSM. I meant ask you guys if 30-06 is still staying popular or many people out there start moving to WSM & WSSM stuff.
For hunting, I personally like the .308 Winchester. It can be very accurate and a joy to shoot, albeit restricted to 180 grain and lighter bullets.

Therefore, I also like the .30-06 for its heavier loadings with additional whomp — and, I am a M1 Garand, ‘03 Springfield fan.

22's are fine for plinking but, I prefer a shotgun for hunting Squirrels, Rabbits, and birds.

The 7mm Remington Magnum is the craze of many in these parts and I agree with its superiority in some cases. I just never got around to hyping myself into one of them.

I may be a little nostalgic but, I cannot justify the super fat squatty rounds of today, often with less magazine capacity.

My sweetheart is the 7mm Mauser (7x57) on a 1909 Argentine action.
My favortie cartridge is one that is light on recoil. Fast! and came be found in a well made gun. That leaves lots of options! :D I have no use for a magnum type cartridge with big bullets. But hay! I'm down here in Texas. I find I tend to like guns that range from 222 up to the 308. Although this year I want to take a deer or hog with a 50 cal blackpowder rifle.
well, around these parts of the country for deer and hog the .270 takes the cake.

I'd say the most popular cartrige no matter the purpose would be the .22 lr simply for the cost of the ammo and firearms that shoot it.
my personal favorite is the 7X57 Ackley Improved Mauser. I have loaded and hunted with this round for many years.
Performance is right up there with a 7mm Rem Mag (3125 fps with a 139 grain Sierra Game King), but uses less powder than the Remmy. Recoil is less also.
Accuracy is outstanding.
Now that you've narrowed it down a little...

For civilian use, for big game (deer and up) the .30-'06 is still king in terms of numbers of users.

I bet the .308Win is coming up behind it.

Then there is a crowd of "everything else." and what is leading that crowd will vary with personal opinion.

My own personal favorite? Whatever I'm shooting RIGHT NOW!!!
8mm Mauser (or 7.92 x 57JS or 8 x 57JS or 8 x 57....) whatever one wishes to call it. Next is the 7 x 57. Third is the .308 Win.
I agree with Clayfish. I think in the past the 30-06 was the most popular. I think currently, at least in this part of the woods (Texas), the .270 takes it. With the 7mm rem mag, .243, and .308 close behind. My personel favorite for whitetail is the .270. I've taken numerous whitetail and mule deer with it. I got a 7mm weatherby mag a couple of years ago, but haven't taken anything but a coyote with it so far. Got a Ruger #1 in 7mm rem mag in the mail right now that I can't wait to play with though.
I have no quarrel with anyone who hunts with an ought-six. Most of my cousins in Wyoming and Montana have annual success with this cartridge.

I prefer the .308 over all others for its accurasy, knock down power, and manageable recoil. Up until about 25 years ago, WINCHESTER sold factory ammo in bullet weights from 110 grain to 200 grain. The long and heavy 200 grain bullet was a great penetrator! But with the advent of Premium bullets, 150 grain Fail Safe is my favorite for elk. Recovered mushroomed bullet weighs in more than standard 180 grain projectiles.

For the forest and foothills, I still prefer either our 30-30 or 35 carbine. They hit hard out to about 150 yards or so and are just right for my style of hunting mulies.

.243 rules for antelope! I've killed dozens with 80 grain Sierra Pro Hunter bullets. Some were way out there past the 300 yard mark. But past few years, I've been very pleased with performance of 95 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip as offered by BLACK HILLS AMMO.