What is up with U.S. Census ?

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New member
Thursday April 16 I get a visit from the U.S. Census. Two ladies came to my front door introduced them self’s as census workers. Then handed me confidentially statement while I was reading that I looked Up and this gal is putting a way point on a gps unit. Ground zero my front door I say what are you doing ? Gal says we where told to gps the front doors when handing these out. Me: What does my front door have to do with demographics. Gal I don’t know I am jest glad to have a job. Sorry turned and left. My first thought was that answer is right out of acorns bag of tricks.

Now its been 24 hrs. and the more I ponder this the more it rubs me. Can anyone tell me why are front doors are of importance to the U.S. Census. This is jest way to specific for me. Jest think of the implications latitude & longitude + elevation of every front door in America. I have talked with my Congressmen to get some answers but being Friday it will be next week. I conceder this an invasion of my privacy and can see no use for this information other than LEO or military. Can any member here shed some light on this.

Same thing happened to me. Guy said they were confirming and mapping out addresses with GPS in prep for the 2010 census. I confirmed the address for him and he thanked me. No biggie.
How else will they target the TOMAHAWK?
They need the address. They used to physically get addresses and then mail the actual census form, not sure how ACORN does it.
Have you checked out street level pics on google maps?

Pick your address and then peek with a 360degree look-around in front of your house. That should make you twitch!

There is no hiding in the shadows now.
As far as the census answers go, two adults live here. How many toilets are in the house, how many bedrooms, do I rent or own is not the business of the goverment, now get off my property!

The guy showed up at my Mother's house on Thursday doing the exact same thing.

As Freakshow says, it's confirmation of address of the home, location, etc.

In the old days they used to do this with a clipboard and a list.

GPS allows them to do it faster and more accurately.

"As far as the census answers go, two adults live here. How many toilets are in the house, how many bedrooms, do I rent or own is not the business of the goverment, now get off my property!"

Striking quite the blow for freedom... :D
Yes macmuffy

My sons recently introduced me to google maps. Anyone that has my address can look at my front door and even the sides of my house. ... and the day the pics were taken my dern truck was parked head in meaning they can also see my tag #. RATS!!!! shades of George Orwell 1984
They're checking to make sure they haven't missed any houses. I bet that they use a GIS system to analyze the front door locations versus geo-referenced aerial photographs. You can now get handheld GPS units that are accurate enough for this scheme to work, so it would be a great way to double-check the canvassers without doing more expensive fieldwork.

FWIW I've read that one of the goals of this census is to decrease the amount of error in the first place so that the Bureau doesn't have to resort to statistical methods to correct for sloppy fieldwork, since their overuse of statistics has been criticized in the past. I don't see a problem with this.
Have you checked out street level pics on google maps?

Pick your address and then peek with a 360degree look-around in front of your house. That should make you twitch!

There is no hiding in the shadows now.
Has there been any hiding in the shadows during the past ~75 years when general aviation has been commonplace? :rolleyes:
How many toilets are in the house, how many bedrooms, do I rent or own is not the business of the goverment, now get off my property!
For many decades they would also record everyone's names and birthdates and make them a matter of public record. I'd prefer that they count toilets. ;)
My point exactly jest Google it. I could Google 10 address in the time it takes to walk to the to the house next door. So a one hundred unit apartment complex will have 100 way points ? Or are home owners being Singled out ? The IRS had no problem finding me this year Leo has no problem they show up every time I get the sks out Anti gun person down the road. I get mail here every day , At the township seat they have a map with every home on it & who owns it and can be easily cross referenced to rentals. My point is there are to many other ways to verify a address. And if they must use gps then Way point the mail box or the end of the drive way. All can be done with out violating my privacy.

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