What is this?


Hello everyone,

Im sorry for posting this in the general discussion but I wasnt sure where to go..

Anyway can someone tell me what I'm looking at here or at least point me in the right direction?

I'm not a rookie when it comes to firearms by any means but I honestly dont know where to even start looking with this piece...

Thanks in advance!


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I'll guess. Some sort of sub caliber training device for a larger artillery piece? Or possibly a spotter barrel for some recoilless rifle?
It looks like a barrel, :rolleyes:

and that looks like a bolt handle...

does it have a bore? approximate size??

Actual breech mechanism? Chamber? Firing mechanism? It appears incomplete which makes things even more difficult to ID.

It might be homemade, might not even be a firearm though it does look like one.

Can't tell you what it is, sorry. I can tell you one thing it is not, it is not the spotter rifle (M8C) from the US 106mm recoilless rifle.

part of an artillery sub-caliber trainer, or blank firing demonstrator, possible. US or foreign? no idea.

Any markings on it??
No markings that I could find. I’m not around it at the moment but I’ll try to get some better pictures. I thought it might belong to some type of artillery weapon but I really have no idea
What makes you guys think it’s a punt gun? I’m a bit skeptical on that theory as it’s only about 2 feet long and the bore is probably smaller than a 12 gauge. I don’t mean any disrespect or anything as I genuinely don’t know. Were there smaller punt guns? The only ones I’ve ever seen were around 10 feet long or so.
Harpoon gun? Line throwing gun? We're really just shooting in the dark here..
I didn't see any kind of conventional attachment points for a stock. Either I missed them or it is something never made to use a regular stock.

If not, that argues against it being a rifle type line throwing or harpoon gun. Could be something meant to be mounted in a cradle or pintle, but again, nothing I saw shows clear attachment points (screw holes, or lugs or...??)

A bolt handle means something is meant to be opened and closed. Beyond that, we'd need a better view of the "breech" mechanism.

I feel pretty sure there are parts missing, which makes it more difficult to ID it as to type/use.

I once saw a single shot .50 "rifle" made from a Browning M2HB barrel. It was the full, unaltered machine gun barrel, with a homemade breech block screwed on the back end. The barrel was drilled to take pins (maybe screws) on each side, fitted into a U bracket (like an oarlock) mounted on a tripod. Barrel was also drilled and tapped for scope blocks and had a scope mounted.

The home made breech block had a firing pin and spring, a safety, and a trigger that stuck down from it. No trigger guard. Mechanically, it would have worked. Though I strongly suspect the gun was intended to have the gunner sight it, then get out of the way before pulling the trigger! :eek:

A good pic of the breech mechanism, and chamber, if possible would give us more to guess about. Right now, I am wondering if it was made for an actual cartridge, or for something else, like a bag charge, perhaps. Just wild guesses at this point, sorry. Doesn't match (or come close) to any commercial firearm I am aware of, I still think it might be a homemade "something", but unsure just what...
"...Punt Gun?..." Too small. Punt guns were way bigger than that wee thing. 2 gauge and having 8 foot barrels was "normal". Likely too small for harpoons too.
I'd guess, sub-caliber training gun, but I suspect it's for a tank gun vs arty.
Perhaps a small cermonial gun. If we knew it was rifled or not, would narrow down it shooting a projectile, or being for some other purpose.