‘Bout 20 years ago, my wife’s distant cousin, a Vietnam Vet, brought an old
1911 Gov’t Model .45 over to my wife’s parents’ home (where we were
visiting). He proudly announced he had checked it out of the Reserves’
Armory so’s he and I could “go shootin’”.
We were “way out in the country” (miles away from homes or people). Our
target was an old disc harrow about 150 yards away against a small hill.
The .45 rattled. The ammunition varied in sound and performance. Using
the same point of aim, some bullets hit 150 yards away, some hit less than
20 yards away. Bad ammo.
Then the .45 refused to fire. I dropped the magazine and small broken parts
fell out of the gun. (Pucker factor 2.5!)
I removed the slide. Part of a second slide spring was wound between the
two broken parts of a possibly original slide spring. The barrel link was
broken. (Pucker factor 4.7)
I asked if this was HIS .45! He said (get this!),
“I only checked it out! I didn’t check it out!”
(Translation: He checked it out of the Armory but did not check the gun for
safety or function.)
We dropped the pieces of the .45 in a bucket and used my .357 revolver for
the rest of the “shootin’”. (Never *did* find out what the three little pieces were. Was afraid to check!)
Moral? “Beware of strange guns!”
By the way, at 150+ yards, we were able to “walk” .38s right into a disc.
And (later) we learned that .357s could make a disc ring right well.
(Doubt my old eyes could do that now.)
Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em!
[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited May 26, 2000).]