what is the verdict on taurus titanium


New member
Looking for a light spurless hammer revolver and would like to go some route other than Smith. What is the final verdict taurus titanium snubs?
I second that. I've heard and read too many bad reports on the Taurus titanium guns to even consider one.
Dang, I musta got the only one to leave the factory that was any good..:)

My 617Ti has several hundred rounds through it, no problems at all.

Another choice.....

Charter 2000 undercover. Weighs no more than a pound, is spurless and very compact. Then, of course, these particular offerings may present problems of their own. I've examined the .38 spcl undercover recently and, other than being a bit rough in the finish department, they're really compact, and affordable. You should be able to get one NIB for around $200 max
My wife carries a Total Ti 85...

..every day and has put hundreds of rounds down-range. Some people report problems, and some don't. Her's is great. (And light, and has a great trigger.)

Taurus had a lot of problems with ultra lights in reports of gun test magazine which echos what the forums post. Ti has a different coefficient of expansion than steel. If not properly fitted, the cylinders bind when they get hot. Taurus is also notorious for developing light strike problems because their mainsprings stack up when pulled.