What is the most valuable training aid?


New member
In an attempt to pull this category from the abyss I figured I'd start a new thread. What is your most valuable training aid? Mine are my 2 lbs handweights. I shadowbox with these all the time and they have done a lot for my speed, power, control, etc. What about you?

At age 55

I do 55 pushups each morning....three sets of 15 curls with 30lbs...three sets of 15 rowing, three sets of 15 reverse curls and 3 sets of 15 behind the head curls......

Wanna arm wrestle?:D
Dry firing and a treadmill.

Just why are you working out with handweights, young man? Shouldn't your weights be in the form of a Rolling Rock while you pass the evening deep in thought with nubile young ladies at Harry's or Jake's near campus?
jimsbowies- I do a lot of other stuff too. I'm a firm believer in pushups, they have done more for my body than bench pressing ever did.

KSFreeman- :D Go to Harry's to get a workout...hmm...sounds promising! But the real workout would be when I get home and my fiancee trys to kick my incoherent a$$!!
Another overly simplified vague question. Best training aid?

A gun to shoot (in conjunction with Ammo to shoot)
A place to shoot
Targets to be shot
A program to develop one's skills
Associated equipment (holsters, mags, etc.)
Safety gear (ear and eye protection)
Professional evaluation every so often - classes to learn new skills and hone old skills, especially those forgotten or that have gotten sloppy.

Aside from the normal marksmanship and speed drills people often do, every so often I like to dedicate a range visit to working on trigger pull, very controlled trigger recent allowing for no slack, follow-up shot. This helps in double tap or other follow-up shot routines, helps to train out some of the tendency to let the trigger out to far and then mashing/slapping the trigger on the follow-up that will often throw off accuracy.

Dry firing is also very important. While not as important, but very helpful, I have a non-firing 1911 with an unbeveled mag well and like to practice doing tactical reloads (w/snap caps in the mags) over and over, such as during a TV program where my vision is focussed on the screen and not looking at the gun. After reading various posts where people have shot TVs and focal points on the walls, having a disabled gun is a good aid for the drill. I do two different drills. One is simply swapping out the mags over and over and over again. This provides training for keeping one's eyes directed toward the threat or where you expect the threat to come from while recharging the gun. It is a really good workout for the changing hand and helps develop coordination for the skill as well. It is a good drill for the strong arm as it involves keeping the gun out for a prolonged period of time. With this, I try to keep the gun pointed more down range as opposed to almost sideways as some people will do. The second drill is working the tactical reload from the mag holster and going through the full sequence, either pocketing the 'partially spent' mag in a pocket or in the waistband.

I also like to load up all my magazines and put in occasional snap caps, then randomly select a mag to go in the gun and spares in the mag pouch and do my normal shooting and working to clear malfunctions with tap-racks that will crop up in seemingly random intervals. It is one thing to know you will have to do a tap-rack and another to be surprised in the middle of a drill when the hammer falls and nothing happens.

I am going to have to give some consideration to the dry firing and treadmill idea. I take it that they are used together? That sounds like it could be a really cool way to work on keeping a steady sight picture while moving. From there, added the tactical reload drill would also be really good.
Dry firing of course also a good training regimen is in order...

Pullups, pushups, and then using your brain - it's your best weapon.

However I do agree that you can get quite a workout around town. I highly recommend going to Pete's on .25 pitcher night. Use a pair of those... then later when you get to carry your fiancee home (workout #2) you can commence with workout #3. After that you can work your abs (workout 4) by paying homage to the porcelain God. You can change the order of workouts 3 and 4 but I highly do not suggest incorporating the two... I know some people who didn't like that a whole lot. :D
Sorry I was so vague

My orginal intention was to see what sort of tools/techniques people use to develop their shooting and hand to hand skills. I like to do 50+ pushups and then start dryfiring. The more you do it, the better you get at holding steady under physical stress. There's been some good stuff that's been thrown out here.

Tom- lol! I thought they were going to shut down Pete's and turn it into a library? A bunch of people told me that...
I'd vote for having a mother-in-law to practice developing the instantaneous rage needed to respond to a confrontation. Other than the already mentioned ideas, I'd also suggest video taping yourself as most people are amazed at how many wasted, non-economical motions they have.