What is the deal with Winchester?


In order to begin building a .35 Whelen, I wanted to purchase a new Model 70 stainless steel 30-06 to supply to Arnold Arms before Christmas. To date, I have been unable to locate one in North Idaho. I have been told repeatedly by a number of different gun shops that Winchester " is not shipping" and a number of their rifle models are in short supply. I also read (on another board) that Winchester is in the process of re-locating their manufacturing plant to North Carolina and that is the reason for the supply problem. Does anyone know what is going on? CP.
Are they going to enlarge your existing barrel, or replace it? If the latter, any .243, 308, .270 would work.

Sorry about your direct questions; I haven't been paying attention to Winchester's business doings...

Later, Art

PS: Sounds like a good project!
Art, Arnold said I could provide them with either a .270 or a .30-06 in a Winchester stainless steel model 70 Classic for this project. I have a Winchester stainless steel Model 70 Classic in a .308 Win. which is built on a short action and not really compatible for the length of the Whelen. I offered to send them a 300 Win. mag in a Classic and they said that it would not work. I believe that this is a bolt face issue and a not an action length consideration. As part of Arnold process, a premium barrel will be installed on the donor rifle that I eventually supply them. It light the cost of Arnold's work and how special this project is for me, I don't want to use anything but a new Winchester Classic as a donor rifle. So the hunt is on. CP

I have been searching for a Winchester Classic Stainless in .308 for months now... ALL I could find where .30-06s try www.internetguncatalog.com

If you haven't noticed, Winchester's Custom Shop is now building all stainless rifles called the "Extreme Weather" rifle- basically a Classic Stainless with a custom barrel and Decelerator pad for $2000. This may account for the shortage of stainless long actions...

By the way, where did you find the Classic Stainless .308???
DeBee, I bought my .308 Model 70 stainless steel Classic several years ago in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho when Winchester was offering it as a standard catalog item. As you are probably aware, Winchester has dropped the short action stainless steel Classics from this year's standard production line-up. With .308s being commonly used during late season deer hunting in the northern tier states and the Canadian provinces (tough weather conditions), I just don't understand why they would drop the stainless steel Classic in this chambering. The only thing more baffling is Winchester reintroducing the .358 Win, which is a working man's caliber, only in a $2000 custom shop rifle. I really don't believe many of these custom .358s will be used for elk hunting in the deep woods where this cartridge really works. Winchester's logic in this regard eludes me. CP.
Well, I hope your project works out, it sounds like a great setup.

Winchester may have fumbled the ball this season for sure... Dropping the short action stainless models- especially the .308-really knocked me out! I know stainless is expensive to mill but come on Winchester...

Did you see that Coyote Rifle? It's based on the push feed action! Are they moving backward?

I've also seen ads on Gunsamerica for long action stainless. By the way, only .270 or 30-06 will work for your conversion due to bolt face and action length...
I'll offer some "pure speculation" as to why Winchester dropped the short action stainless steel Classic from their line-up. I believe all the major US manufacturers enjoy relatively brisk sales of .308s in hunting rifles. In observing the hunting rifles that are offered for sale at gun and sport shops, generally the .308s are relegated to entry level models, compacts and/or inexpensive rifles. Incidentally, Remington allegedly dropped the .308 from their BDL line-up this year. I believe the other manufacturers and the market frankly compelled Winchester to focus on competing with Remington's model 7 and Ruger's model 77 for the short action business. In the end, the stainless steel short action Classic was not a compact and was too expensive to produce to successfully compete for the .308 entry level market. I have carried .308s since 1964 in seven states and I have killed deer, elk, black bears and antelope with this cartridge. What Winchester has said to people like me, if you want some thing more than a entry level rifle or a compact in a .308, go directly to the Custom Shop with $2000 in hand. CP.
I stand corrected. The .308 is available from Remington in The Model 700™ "BDL" SS DM. Good for them and good for us. CP.
Tracking down a Winchester Classic Stainless in .308 has been a very frustrating experience for me in the last 6 months.

However, I feel I made some headway and would like to add info to this thread.

Apparently, Winchester is moving their manufacturing facilities to (North or) South Carolina. The move has been slower than anticipated. Therefore, Winchester Model 70s were produced in lower quantities in 1999 than in previous years. As if that weren't enough, Winchester replaced their computer systems and changed all the catalog numbers...

I'm told by the customer service reps at Winchester that several rifles that do not appear in the latest catalog will be available next year (the short action stainless??? don't know...)

Winchester Customer Service: 1-800-945-5237

Some reps more knowledgable than others...
DeBee, On the way home from a business trip this week, I stopped by the Husky Sport Shop in Moscow, Idaho and purchased a new Winchester Classic Stainless-Walnut 30-06 to be used as a donor rifle for my Whelen project. A helpful individual on another board found this rifle and posted that it was available at a sale price of $499. This rifle is beautiful, the stock fits, it is easy to point, it is well balanced and I am struggling with the notion that this rifle is only about providing Arnold Arms an action on which to build the Whelen. Man, this is like sacrificing your first born. CP.