What is the best way to identify unknown pistol magazines


I just went through a box from my Dads estate and it had several magazines in it. When he passed he had a large firearm collection that was split up among several of the kids as well a good part sold to a few friends of his. These could be spares to some of those pistols or they could have been from ones he owned in the past. Either way I have about 6-10 mostly double stack magazines that I have no clue what they are to. I am looking for the best way to identify them so that they can make their way Back to the pistols they came with or to their new homes.

You can do image searches of pistol magazines and hope you get lucky.

If you can take some decent pictures and post them here, people can narrow things down for you.

If you really want to get enterprising, post side views of each one (both sides), along with a feedlip spacing measurement.

Listing visible markings will also make it easier for folks to identify them.
The above will work and...

Take the mag to a gun store (or gun show) and ask the folks there if they can identify it.
