what is the best round


i own a remington 300 ultra mag what is the best load for big game hunting out around 500 yards. right now im shooting 150gr. swift scirocco bonded rounds. at 100 yards they group great. havent had a chance to shoot any further yet. need some thing differnt or what i will probley go up to 180gr. but not for shure. great gun i love it.
How much experience have you had in shooting in the field, nowhere near a benchrest? How much field shooting have you done at ranges beyond 200 yards?

Part of the reason I ask is that in my decades of shooting deer in various areas of Texas, I've killed one deer at 350 and one deer at 450. The other 50 or so were typically inside of 200 yards.

I can only comment that shooting out toward 300 yards, much less longer distances, generally takes a lot of experience in order to be successful.

You should use a bullet with good sectional density and ballistic coefficient at that range ,something like a 180 gr. But Art is right ,do lots of practice at 500 yds before you even think of hunting at that range.
Depending upon "normal" sight-in, them bullets gonna drop somewhere between 2 and 4 feet out at 500 yards. And most folks can't accurately estimate the difference between 300 and 500 yards, which is further complicated by this thing called "shooter dispersion" ... ;)
Get 165-168 grain bullets ;)

150's are usually too light at long ranges

Ranges beyond 200 makes it very difficult to "hold" on the point you want to impact.

It is irresponsible to take shots beyond 200 unless you have a benchrest or a prone position with excellent weather/lighting/wind and visibility... :(
Get 165-168 grain bullets

150's are usually too light at long ranges

Ranges beyond 200 makes it very difficult to "hold" on the point you want to impact.

It is irresponsible to take shots beyond 200 unless you have a benchrest or a prone position with excellent weather/lighting/wind and visibility...
Perhaps for you. Not necessarily for everyone else too.
Because you can't get any closer? Not everyone has to limit themselves to 200 yards. I killed my buck this year at 300. I have a friend who two weeks ago made a 350 yard headshot on his deer. We hunt a lot of canyons in my part of Idaho, and there are frequent times when 300 or 350 yards is just the closest you can get.
Wo55 sounds like you may reload an it also sounds like you'll be hunting something larger the deer ... maybe Elk [big game] i would suggest a 180gr.scirocco for good penetration the 180 will also hold its speed an energy out that far, RX22 powder an a rem 9 1/2 primer mite work 3200fps at that speed if you site in at 200yrds zero, expect a 33 -34 inch drop at 500yrds
so if your using a 1/4 min scope at 500 4 click mite give about 5 inches you do the math ...hey good luck on the hunt.. lets us know how you do...
NC.Mr.G :)
"...big game hunting out around 500 yards..." Too far. At 500 yards, the .300 UM with a 180 grain bullet only has 2160 ft-lbs of energy left and it drops 27.3" with a 250 yard zero. The remaining velocity is 2325fps at 500. S'ok at 300 though. http://www.remington.com/products/ammunition/ballistics/results/default.aspx?type=centerfire&cal=38
Unless you've spent a great deal of time shooting at 500 yards and can hit a 9" pie plate every time, you shouldn't be taking hunting shots at that distance.
no flames intended but the figures you have T o' would show that a 30-30 win. almost has a muzzle. an the 30-30 still hold the record for most kills in the US for hunting.. you an i don't know what skills WO55 ... i
just figure if a person asks a question he should get an answer .. we [us] certainly don't all think the same, i'm sure your gran-dad didn't think anyone would walk on the moon either.... their are people out there that can hit prairie dogs further then that .. so if he wants to make a world record shot why should we stop him, now that he has an idea on what it takes, he may change his mind or better yet practice for it...... i sa good luck
For deer I'd stick with the 150 grain

For deer I'd stick with the 150 grain at all ranges and figure the extra muzzle velocity a plus.

For bigger game I'd use a bigger bullet. For all around I'm a big fan of the 200 grain in the big .30's for all purposes just as I think the 160 grain is the bullet in the big case 7mm cartridges. Still for 500 yard deer I'd go 150 grain and start it as fast as I could.

I mostly wouldn't shoot at 500 yards even with a laser rangefinder and a self adjusting scope though there is the case of shooting from a bench at notch where the setup has been tested on paper at the actual site in advance of shooting game.

I wouldn't even try for a headshot at extended range. I'd probably be explaining to Clint Rand why I didn't recover a wounded animal and it starved to death with its jaw hanging loose. Missed it by that much.

Knowing the gun and the game is just the beginning.
Siotwo, it's not an energy deal. Heck, an '06 will do the job. What's important is the shooter's abilities in judging range and wind, among other factors in rifleman skills.

It sure doesn't hurt to shoot a good bit at 400 and 500 from hasty-rest positions. That's probably a lot more important than remaining energy of the bullet. I'll bet a hit in the neck from a thutty-thutty will do better than a gut-shot from a Hotsy-totsy Magnum.

when the 30-30 was first introduced wasn't it claimed to be a 600 yard gun? Just make sure you stay within your abilities. One shot kill is one shot kill no matter what range.
when the 30-30 was first introduced wasn't it claimed to be a 600 yard gun? Just make sure you stay within your abilities.
I don't know if it was claimed to be a 600 yard gun, but whatever the original claims, it is effectively limited to about 200 max.
I know for a fact that people reach out to about 275 yards with a scoped .30-30 all the time for deer. The new Hornady Leverevolution ammo is claimed to stretch that out another 100 yards.
thanks alot. i am a experienced bow hunter and have no problem getting game into range. i have a buddie that is a scout snipper in the 101st airborne.i shot w/ him when he is in town. i have no experience w/ the " ultra mag" i was just woundering what bullets to shot for a long shot on big game Mrgee is right elk. i plan on doing some kodiak hunting also but i want them closer w/ a really slow heavy load. i have killed more game w/ my 30/06 than any. boars 180gr. core lockt out to 100 yards. deer out to 300 yards w/125gr. core lockt and dropped them were they stand. my favorite is going doe hunting w/ my buddies ar-15. a 45 grain jhp will even stop a deer where it stands around 200yds. i think i will stick w/ the swift scirocco bonded bullet in 180gr. this ultra mag is a sweet gun i like it. got four rounds with the 150's in a quarter sized hole at 100 yards. going to the 330 meter range this weeked. anybody know good hand loads for long distance for the 300RUM that is why i bought the gun to shot long distance shots. but i will say nothing is better than a well used 30-06.
Wow ART, I agree with you already :) :D ;)

My comment was only about the energy at 500yds distance. I whole heartedly agree that making a proper shot at that distance is something else entirely.

I have a 300yd range nearby and used it alot to prepare for antelope in WY. BIG difference in just going from 100 out to 300. At least at 300 you can hold on the animal (or animal paper target) instead of above it. 500 yds and you better have plenty of practice, and a stationary animal.
500 yard shots at big game? Seems like it would be feasible to halve that distance by considering factors of terrain and wind direction.
Jack ;)