What is the best 22 ammo?

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Mark Ritchie

New member
This is my first post here: please show mercy. ;)

Recently I decided to get serious about precision shooting with my Ruger Mark II Bull Barrel. I figure that, among other things, I ought to be using better ammo than the cheapo range/plinking fodder I've been using.

My questions, therefore, for all you experienced and knowledgeable worthies are:

1. What is your favorite ammo for your .22?
2. For those that also own a Mark II BB (5.5"), what is the maximum range I should seriously contemplate attempting minimum groups with this pistol? I'll be using the standard factory adjustible sights, to start.
3. What sort of gear/accessories would you recommend?

Thank you for your replies.
My favorite .22 ammo for pistols is CCI Standard Velocity. In my Ruger 22/45, however, I use CCI Blazer, because it's very cheap and it shoots extremely well in that particular pistol.

If your object is to shoot tiny groups, I suggest starting at 20 feet and moving back once your 5-round groups are small enough to be covered with a business card.

You might find some "sight black" useful. This is a sooty, black substance that's sprayed onto the front sight to eliminate glare.
well different ammo will shoot with varying accuracy in your gun. Serious target shooters use Ely or Russian olympic or bialthalon 22 lr as "the best" target 22 ammo available. (the cases are spun to evenly distribute priming material, and the russian cases are dimpled so the priming material CANNOT be deposited in the center of the case) But this stuff is expensive. $4 a box/50 or more.

personally, my Mk2 512 bull barrel likes federal 38 grain copper washed hollow points. (the kind you buy in a BULK PACK at wal-mart 550 rounds for $10-14) I can shoot bowling pins at 100 yards with a two hand hold. (two for range 8 for effect).

I would AVOID winchester wildcat 22 (i had a bad experience with a poorly made lot (bad priming material).

But since 22 ammo is cheap... try a BUNCH of it in different brands and styles.

Hope it helps,


Welcome to the forum.

I have a Mark II and a 22/45 and they both do very well with the Winchester Super-X High Vel 40 grain round nose. I wait for it to go on sale, then really stock up.

I've tried every brand/style of .22 ammo I've ever run accross, including the imported premium target types. My Rugers shoot them all well. The target stuff does seem to have fewer "fliers", but since I don't currently compete in formal target competition, I get by with the Super-X.

For a testing range, I use 20 yards. Your vision and "wobble factor" will determine what is best for you.

As far as gear goes, a nice range bag is handy. One large enough to hold your pistol, all the ammo needed for an entire range session, ear and eye protection, targets, etc. The most usefull accessory for your Ruger would be a Thumb Saver, magazine loader. Best $2 you'll ever spend.

Good Luck...


Hi Mark and Welcome to TFL
I shoot Winchester's and CCI through my Ruger .22/45. I started out at 8 yards and stayed there until my 5 shot groups were in a half-dollar size circle. (Sometimes when I'm really lucky a penny will cover all my shots. ;)) I have since moved down to the 25 yard line where I'm still learning to make smaller groups. I move back and forth from the 8 and 25 yard lines at any given day at the range. If I'm having a "bad" shooting day, I stay at the 8 yard line.
Happy Shooting and Be Safe,

The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what it is one's destiny to do, and then do it.
HENRY FORD, "Success," Forum, October 1928
You don't need to buy expensive ammo to shoot
well...Federal Hollow Point in 550 pack
sold in Walmart for $9 is what I use all
the time. This is a very good consistent
ammo, and feed reliably, because hollow
is pretty small...It's also not lubricated,
which is important in any semi-auto pistols.

But bullets with large hollow will create
difficulties in feeding...so avoid them.
They are for bolt-actions...

I also like to shoot CCI Stingers, for fun,
but not very often. These shells are pretty
hot for .22 rimfire, they got some power.
Good self-defence round, no kidding..

Rugers are accurate. It's a norm for me to
put all shots in 6" target at 50 yards,
from the sandbag. I feel pistol can do better than that...
Welcome to TFL:

When you mentioned Precision Shooting, I am going to surmise that your are talking 50yd (mtr) off hand. Either 3 gun or Olympic style shooting.

To get the best results from your ammo, creat a Marrying Experience> That is, buy several brands of good ammo. Several brands have been mentioned and they are pretty good. HOwever, it has been my expereience that even some cheap ammo will shoot world class scores.

Bench rest the pistol. Use 50 yds (mtrs) as your base, Keep track of the brand of ammo and the groups for each, use 5 shot sequence with each brand. Using this method will tell you which brand, lot # etc is best for your gun.

It may take several brands maybe more to make a determination, but if you want to be a winner it is worth it.


[This message has been edited by Harley Nolden (edited October 13, 1999).]
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