What is the absolute best ?

What is the absolute best??? I would have to ask:
- For who?
- For what?
But if the question is taking into consideration factors like, durability, accuracy, versatility, ergonomics, value, and a battle proven record... I would say that the CZ-75 is the closest thing.
Truly the most underrated pistol design during the 20th Century. At least here in the USA. CZ-75s are extremely popular among professionals: Mercenaries, Body Guards and even Virginia Boys ( for black ops ). For israeli personnel transitioning from the Hi-Power, the CZ-75 was the logic step. Many of them carry it, I guess they know one of two things about their job...
I really like my GLOCK 21 but like HighSpeed said, what ever floats your own boat!

I would like to try a CZ-75, I only hear good things about them.
Colt 45 Autos

Colt D/A Seecamp Conversions

Colt New Service Revolvers

Ruger 22 auto pistols

Colt Black powder revolvers (esp. Navys)

Browning Hi-Powers

Wierd "curiosa" guns from the early part of the century.

Colt 45 Autos

S&W revolvers

Any more questions? ;)

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785

Well, what's really remarkable (to me) is that there are so many high quality, superior designs and excellent manufacturers making so many variations of pistols, its hard to choose "the best." If it weren't for puddin'-headed legislation, this would be considered the "Golden Age of Handguns."

I'll go out on a limb here though. Smith and Wesson makes the best out-of-box revolver. Pick your configuration/caliber, they probably make it.

Glock, Sig and HK should all have a shot at being considered the best autoloader. The Sig line, overall, probably wins by a nose, however.

1911's are there own breed, for sure. I would put them in a seperate category. The best COMMERCIAL manufacturer (excluding custom and semi-custom shops) is Springfield and Kimber in a duel to the death.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
Centerfire - SIG P210, Walther GSP-C, Triace
Rimfire - Hammerli 208S, Walther GSP, Triace.

Though the best for certain purposes would change the answer, but for the best quality and detail in general I would stick to my answers.
I don't expect to see any two to agree on this one. There are as many answers as there are fingerprints.
I like HighSpeed's answer... there are a lot of variable's to consider...

For example: a Navy Seal, A NYC police Officer, an undercover police officer, a Security officer, a Game Warden all have different needs as do the hundreds of other potential "professional" users of handguns.

And of course, we all have different skills, different experiences, different builds and different hand sizes...

There are too many variables for anyone to point to one handgun and say... this is the best.

What is the best? It is the weapon that fits the individual's need and performs that function flawlessly... or as flawlessly as possible.

There are perhaps 10-12 combinations of handguns that would fit the needs of 90% of the users out there...

The trick is to decide what those 10 or 12 combinations are! <smile>

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...

That would be an impossible question to answer....if there were no such thing as the Glock 30. The Glock 30 the Absolute best of everything ;)