What is in the envolope?


Staff In Memoriam
I pick up my Ruger 22/45 thursday. I seen a little manilla envelope and the counter person said it is a "fired shell" If i had woulda bought it in maryland or some other places it would be sent off as ID if my gun?
Is it a casing only or bullet or both? Do these places not realize that 5 seconds with a dremel tool and a few minutes with abrasive polish i could render my gun non'identifiable?
Its just the spent casing. But it sounded like a good idea to those sheep they pander to so as to get reelected. In my Semi autos I can just swap out the whole slide, or whatever. Yes it's foolish. Yes they know but it gets them reelected. that is what counts.

I pick up my Ruger 22/45 thursday. I seen a little manilla envelope and the counter person said it is a "fired shell" If i had woulda bought it in maryland or some other places it would be sent off as ID if my gun?
Is it a casing only or bullet or both? Do these places not realize that 5 seconds with a dremel tool and a few minutes with abrasive polish i could render my gut non'identifiable?
I question that also.

I thought maybe it was just to show you they weapon had been test fired. Both my S&W and Walther came with one. First new pistols I've bougth in 20 years. Does anyone actually have an answer other than speculation.
Toybox, it is "registration" item if in a registration location the dealer must mail it some political entity to REGISTER the "fingerprint" I was told I could throw it out if I choose as it is nor required here which it ain't.
I will add it to the pile of brass headed to the scrap yard. But these soft ass brady butt crack lickers think it helps Identify a gun... I could take 30 seconds to drag out my dremel and that casing won't mean a crap identifying my gun!
if it were to mean the gun had been test fired it would include a signed target...
This is for gubmint control only!
sounds about right

HotD you sound about right. I'm sitting her with an envelope and looking at all the stuff on the label. I suppose if there is no screw-up at the factory and the case in the envelope is not from another unit they could id the pistol. Probably this fired cartridge case added $ 25 to the sales price to comply with some BS Federal or state law.
yeah they saud "state" like maryland... i waas told I ciould circular fire the thing wich i choose to do...
That is state-specific for places that have one of these 100% ineffective "ballistics databases." They include the spent casing in case of sale to one of these areas.... NY and MD are the only places I know of that have this.
Not to dime anyone out, but......

I know I make the occasional spelling mistake, but can we please make at least a token effort to watch the spelling just a little bit, so that we don't seem like a bunch of trailer park trash who never graduated from High School?

Since three of my fingers on my left hand have no sense of felling at all i try but do not attempt to win the firing line spelling bee!:D Git on over it or put on yer ignore list... means mox nix to me! But in regard to the casing involved it is a regulatory state requirement of only a couple 2 or 3 states... I was told to toss it if desired...
Trailer trash is a derogatory statement equal to calling colored folks Ghetto folks the N-word!
Try to back off the bigotry!
You can toss it.... it's a lame law designed to sap taxpayer dollars. Thank God it only exists in a couple communist areas.

TFL spelling bee is on Saturday. :D