What is '' F '' Class shooting


New member
I'm curious about F Class shooting, could someone please get me a link to competition near northern Indiana?
F-class is Mid Range (300 to 600 yards) and Long Range (800-1000) target shooting with scope sights and artificial support allowed, unlike NRA Conventional shooting. It started in Canada as a means of keeping older shooters in the game after they (we) started having trouble seeing iron sights and getting trussed up in coat, glove, and sling. It has spread to the US, is now supported by NRA, and is often seen here as a way to get new shooters started with their wannabe sniper rifles as well as keeping the codgers shooting.

There are two subdivisons, F-T/R (which they say means "target rifle" but we know means "tactical rifle" because it is limited to the service calibers of .223 and .308.) Must be shot off a bipod attached to the gun with a rear sandbag allowed, weight limit 8.25 kg (18 lb) scope and bipod included, no limit on scope power, any safe trigger pull, any safe load.

F-Open rifles can be any caliber under .35, shot off any rest as long as it does not return the gun to battery and does not connect the front and rear rests, weight limit 10 kg (22) lbs, not including the rest as long as it is not attached to the gun.

NRA got worried about perfect score ties with rests and big scopes and cut the target size in half last year. The F target now has a one-MOA ten ring, that's 10" at 1000 yards.

You can dig out some stuff on the NRA site
and on the Long Range board
including ranges in your area.
Thank you Jim, I'm a wanna be something. I just don't know what yet!!!
I'm new to the long range thing. I thought it would be fun/educational/interesting/cool to try the F class shoot. It sounds like a great way to improve what little skill I have so far.
I'm sure I would not be competitive at all, but competition is the best way to get better at anything.
DCRA(Dominion of Canada Rifle Association) 'F' Class has two flavours. Open and Farquharson. 'O' and 'F'.
Open class rifles can be any 8mm or larger calibre rifle weighing less than 22 pounds(including sights etc) with any sight and any trigger. Bipods and slings are ok. No device that returns the rifle to battery though.
Farquharson class rifles are the same as 'O' class except they must be either a .223/5.56(maxbullet weight of 82 grains) or .308/7.62(max bullet weight of 156 grains) and no heavier than 8.25 kilos(18.2 lbs) including the bipod if it's attached to the rifle.
"TR" does NOT mean 'Tactical Rifle'.
Note that DCRA and NRA rules on F-class differ a good deal. No weight limit on bullets, for example; I shoot 90 gr .223s and 175 gr .308s. (I do not want to get into the added expense and complication of the F-open guns in calibers that shoot closer to the wind. Largely because I doubt I am a good enough shooter for it to do me much good.)

What is the usual DCRA Open calibre 8mm +? .338 something?
Most of our F-open guys are shooting 6, 6.5, and 7mm on a variety of cases, with a few .300 magnum dinosaurs.
F Class

I shoot 308 remington leupold 14X mildot. but we must shoot a reduced tardget because of the limited range at our facilities.