what is best for me


New member
tell me what gun would met my need i hunt rabits squirls crows ravins gophers megpies piggons little black birds and the ranges vary from 30yards to 150 yards i need a flat shooting gun. Some times coyotes but if the gun that fits all the other animals is to small i will stick with the 243 for the coyote i dont want anything big eather
If you already have a .243, you're good to go. Otherwise, a .223 will do coyotes to 150 yards and even a bit more with good aim and good ammo.

Rather than an additional rifle to a .243, I'd spend the money on a reloading manual and reloading supplies--after reading the manual.

rabits squirls crows ravins gophers megpies piggons little black birds i dont want a gun that will kill me on bullets shooting all of these animals and go def so i was think 22mag or 17hmr? or just a plain 22lr but i dont conside the 22lr as a flat shooter or 17hmr2? my favorit would be the 17hmr probably then the 22mag