What is all this bashing about the HS2000 from jtduncan

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Lee M.

New member

Oh I love my HKP7. I love him so much. I love him. I love him. I love him. I take it to bed with me at nights so I won't be lonely. HKP7, you're the best. There's only one of you and nobody can tell me different.:barf:

Have you ever thought about being original? IM Metal did a wonderful job with this pistol. The gun has been on the drawing board for 10 years. I think that they have had plenty of time to work out the "bugs". Go to http://www.hsarms.com They have several articles on this pistol by several different magazines. Read about the endurance tests between it and the Glock. Get your facts and then you might have a credible opinion. Maybe you should consider getting one yourself before you go running your mouth about something that you don't know what your talking about. I agree, the HK's are fine guns. They have a hell of a reputation and have earned it. But maybe its time to give HS Arms a chance in the gun industry. They may just suprise you. Go over to http://www.HS2000talk.com/ and start juggling those rat turds.

As far a Smith & Wesson goes, I won't have one of the SOBs no more after they sold their souls to the devil himself, Bill Clinton.
As a....

...person who owns three Glocks and (up until a couple weeks ago) a P7M8, let me say that my roommate's HS2000 works fine. Shoots nice, points like a CZ or High-Power, is closing in on 500 rounds (ball, as well as Golt Dot, and Triton JHP's) without jam number one. His boss bought one, too on my roomie's recommendation. No complaints and my roommate still has a job.

Talk to the folks who've owned or shot them; they're one of the best autopistol buys on the market right now. The only question left up in the air is long term durability, and we'll never know about that unless we try, will we?
I'll agree, give it a chance. But anyone who says P7s aren't the shiznitobam is a raving lunatic. And original? What's more original than a P7? Nothing. Try those new pistols, be my guinea pig, and I'll buy what you prove works!! ;)
The HS2000 bashers I've noticed so far over here and on GT all seem to have one thing in common: they don't own one, and most of them have never even shot one.

You can walk into a biker bar and slam a certain brand of bike based on hearsay, but you'll just sound funny to the owners of said brand...especially when you admit that you've never even sat on one. Kind of ruins your credibility on the subject...

I took a chance on a HS2000, and it's been performing as described above. All the new HS2000 owners I've talked to like theirs as well. My boss bought one on my recommendation and couldn't be more pleased with it...and he's an unbiased beginner in the handgun field. Durability will show with time, but so far everything indicates that the HS2000 is a well-made pistol with a bunch of good features that can be had for much less than most comparable guns. I'm glad I picked one up, and don't consider the $299 a failed investment yet. Some people just can't stand when other kids get shiny toys. Steals the attention on the playground, you know...
slow down gang

I think JT is right. This hs2000 AKA CS2K is nothing but a POS.

and if you guys will keep quiet I'll be able to get about six more in the safe before the price goes up
Lee M.

You should have posted this in the thread that got you foaming to begin with. That thread has become almost as offensive as your post here...Almost.
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