What is a good cleaner?


New member
Can someone recommend me a good cleaner/solvent? I am currently using MP7 but I am not sure if you can clean the internals with it. It gets sticky and when I spray that stuff into the internals, its hard to clean it off. Is it ok if I leave some of that stuff in there? Any tips on how to correctly clean the frame?
I use a product called Pro-Tech they have both a cleaner and an oil. I got them at a gunshow. They might have a web site.


Do you know of a place on the internet that I can order Eezox? It is the best gun care product I have ever used. I bought 6 cans about 7 years ago from a local gun shop that has gone out of business and I'm down to the last half of the last can. The gun shop that is here now doesn't carry it. I live in a rual area where there are no gun shows for about 100 miles or so. The darn can doesn't have an address for the company and I can't find any by searching. Any help would be appreciated.

I use MP7 on all my pistols with no problem. You can either just wipe it and then let the residue dry, or do like I do and hit it with Brake Cleaner, let it dry and oil. That combination leaves my guns clean enough to eat off of and is a very easy routine to keep up.

I use MP7 also but am very careful to clean any residue off and then go over the same part with oil. MPro states that this must be done as the solvent strips away any oil. This is true with most solvents though. As far as getting sticky, I haven't experienced that.
Butch's Bore Shine on the bore and light wipe down on the rest of the gun with Hoppe's #9. Wipe dry and apply a light coat of Break Free CLP.
All the Best,
Bill Daniel
Life Member NRA
Mpro 7 cleaner, bore gel and oil.
I have used MPro7 cleaner on my HK MK23 for years
with no problem.
I used to lube with Breakfree CLP but It kindof
attracts dirt.
Is it a general concensus that Eezox is one of the best cleaners? I've tried a number of different ones but have never heard of this. I'm willing to give it a try though.
You are already using the best.

Why settle for anything less?:D Seriously, if you spray the action down with it, it can migrate inside and dry out the lube. I spray it onto a patch and use a toothbrush to clean the externals off. This way, I avoid any excess seeping down in there. I agree about the stickiness, which I only notice when I've spritzed too much onto the gun.:)

I like CLP Breakfree. Last I heard, that is what the US Army uses. I do not shoot lead (always FMJ) so I don't have that problem of lead building up in the bore.