What is a bobbed hammer?


What is a bobbed hammer? How is the function different from a regular hammer? Also, which manufacturer makes them and can a gunsmith do it? Thanks and Whoop! :)
Usually when the hammer spur is machined off, the hammer is then considered "bobbed." I have a S&W model 60 which the hammer is "bobbed" in this manner. The advantages are a snag-free draw and DAO operation, while the disadvantage might be a physically lighter hammer which could lead to reliability problems. Before the PD's went to autos, most of the large metro agencies went to "bobbed" hammers and DAO revolver designs for enhanced liability. My 60 has an extra heavy mainspring for reliability purposes. I believe Taurus and Ruger offer "bobbed" hammer guns while S&W has both the Bodyguard series and the Centennial series which are "hammerless" designs anyway (They have hammers but they aren't exposed hammers). Any good gunsmith could do this type of "custom" option for you on a conventional design. My suggestion would be to test it throughly before relying on it for defensive use.;)
Its a hammer with the cocking spur cut off. This makes the gun more snag proof. Most any 'smith can cut the spur off for you.
The only lookout is to make sure the hammer isn't lightened too much, causing misfires.

Most factory bobbed hammers are also altered to double action only (DAO). They can't be cocked. Gunparts sells factory bobbed DAO hammers for some S&W models.

Years ago, it was very popular to bob the hammer on the Colt Detective Special. If the top of the hammer was grooved, the gun could still be cocked, if you were VERY careful.

Most revolver manufacturer's offer bobbed hammer guns. I know Ruger, S&W, Taurus, and others do. As I said, the big advantage is that the gun is less likely to get snagged in your clothing.
An abrasive wheel in a Dremel tool will remove a spur. A little file work will smooth any rough spots. Always test for reliability. Heavier spring may be needed. Could ruin value of old Colts. They always felt better in my pocket than J frames. I ruined a couple pair of jeans by wearing hole in rear pocket with spurs. Spurless models come out much quicker and eaiser. Some holsters will be usless with spurless guns if safety strap goes over spur.
don't shoot it's me, you S.O.B, I just logged back in this afternoon, saw this and spit coffee all over my key board.

(If we cut off a Taurus Gold Titanium, would it be a"Bruce"?