What is a better deal?


New member
Hello all,
I am new to rifles and my first one is supposed to be a M&P15 sport. I know that I probably should have picked .22 rifle instead but for the $170 difference I convinced myself that the .556 was a better deal.

Now my question, I had my eye on the Ruger Mini as well and my LGS is having a sale on it and is a $100 difference between the Mini and the AR. Which is a better deal / rifle in your opinion?

M&P15 sport 599, Mini Tactical 699.

Viper, I'll weigh in with an opinion. I own both the M&P15 Sport and the Mini 14 Tactical. I like them both. But for the money, I'd go with the M&P15 Sport. Magazines are less expensive, it's easier to change magazines, it has a 6 position adjustable stock, the ergonomics of the AR is better in general and the AR may have a slight edge in accuracy. The Sport comes with a top rail for mounting optics and has a flip up rear sight.

The Mini 14 has a fixed stock and no top rail. It would have to be customized to achieve the same configuration.

I would buy the Sport. My opinion is you'll quickly recoup the $100 on magazines alone and have better ergonomics.

My .02. Good luck!
I like minis but if you get a good deal on an AR go for it. It really depends on how much configuration you are wanting to do, mounting a scope on a mini is no big deal, pretty decent rails are available too.

If its not a 2009 or newer mini then pass, and get the AR.

Don't substitute a mini for an AR or vice-versa get the one you want in the end.
Thanks for the replies guys,
Going with what I wanted in the first place, the M&P 15 sport.

Now, what do I feed this baby? they have a special bulk Federal XM855LC AC1
5.56mm 62GR Penetrator 420 Round Ammo Can & Stripper Clips for $149.95. Is this a good deal or should I get something else? These rounds have a green tip.

Any bulk ammo that works good on the AR for target practice? how about scope for around 200?
