What if you found a Barrel of Fire Arms berried as Destroyed.

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New member
This Question came up on a metal detecting forum.

Say a person was out metal detecting and found a 50gl barrel of Fire Arms some law agency documented as destroyed.

What would be the legal status said fire arms.

Could I peace meal sell the parts?

Could I take legal possession of the None Destroyed Fire Arms?
I doubt a law enforcement agency would bury firearms anyplace it would be legal for you to dig. Otherwise, look up local law on what to do with a found firearm.
Only ones I have seen destroyed have been welded so they can't be fixed then welded into modren art sculptures or just melted down and used as recycled steel.. If you found a barrel of them they were derailed from the smelter and are stolen or are someones private stash.
I doubt a law enforcement agency would bury firearms anyplace it would be legal for you to dig.
Law enforcement officers also aren't supposed to sell the drugs they seize either, yet it happens.

An interesting question. I doubt you would be able to keep them as they would be seized as evidence of a crime. (Falsifying official documents.)

I know what I would do, but the mods wouldn't like me saying it as it's not the "legal" thing to do.
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