What if war is declared?


New member
Pardon me if I take the easy way out on this one, but I'd like to know just how true his claims are in this article.



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Kiss those rights goodbye

By Joel Miller © 1999 WorldNetDaily

According to the War Powers Resolution Act of 1973, the president is permitted a limited period of time in which he can send American troops to far-flung lands and have them shoot people. When that time draws nigh, he's supposed to do what the Constitution says and get Congress' permission to shoot those people. Should Congress refuse to grant such permission, the commander in chief is suppose to call the troops home and turn his attention to more domestic matters -- like milking Littleton, saving Social Security, and salvaging his legacy.

Well, Bill's 60-day "Kill-the-Slavs-for-free" pass ran out yesterday. Now, theoretically, Clinton faces an interesting dilemma: either he calls the troops home before they've finished whatever it is they're doing in Yugoslavia, or pleads with Congress to give him a formal declaration of war so he can go on molesting the Serbs and any unfortunate Albanian bystanders.

Of course, constitutionally this is good and proper, and it's truly heartening to see Congress actually remember that it's supposed to read and follow that old document every now and then, but I've got to say, this doesn't necessarily bode well for any of us.

Let's say that Clinton chooses to impale himself on the first horn of the dilemma and calls the troops home. It might look like he lost -- but maybe not. Let's just say that he declares a victory -- we don't actually have to win for Clinton to claim we did. Besides, lying and making it look good is how this guy survives. After the cogs of the Clinton spin machine start cranking and the talking heads have bumped gums on the Sunday morning yammer shows, Republicans might well look like genocide fans for forcing Clinton bring home the guys in cammie pants.

Even if Clinton pulls the troops and somehow manages to look like a winner, the other choice is bleaker still. Congressmen are saying that we need to force the president to abide by the Constitution. I'm all for it. But is anyone worried about what a formal declaration of war would look like -- provided Congress decides to grant it?

Despite all the bold heroics and John Wayne movies, wars mean one thing for certain -- clamping down on liberties stateside. The government's powers are expanded astronomically during times of war. Last time I read my Constitution, Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution permits the feds to suspend habeas corpus in troubled times -- and thus give the right of due process a rude kick in the tuchas. With habeas corpus put on hold, Clinton could arrest just about anyone he wanted, and let them mold-over in a prison cell without trial.

Wouldn't happen? Lincoln did it during the War Between the States, regularly jailing northern naysayers and trying them for sedition in military courts. Franklin Roosevelt caged up more than 110,000 Japanese-Americans -- many who were citizens -- during WWII just because they looked like the bad guys. During WWI, Woodrow Wilson locked up dozens of Germans and Commies, and some stayed behind bars until President Harding found the key and let them out -- three years after we had walloped the Kaiser and ended the war.

Not only can the president scuttle folks behind fences, he can also send them packing. Under The Alien Enemy Act of 1798, the executive is permitted to arrest and deport any and all foreign guests he sees fit -- including your Croatian grandmother who's just visiting for the holidays.

Formal states of war also allow a commander in chief to regulate the nation's economy -- including draconian price controls, rationing, and limiting trade with foreign countries. The dream of every Democrat executive is fully granted in The Defense Production Act of 1950 -- which gives the president carte blanche with the economy; any regulation is basically legal and within bounds. If you want to become a black-marketeer just to get a tank of gas or a bar of chocolate, this is the way.

And if you're into the time-honored art of dissent, prepare for a government-sponsored towel in your mouth. During WWI, President Woodrow Wilson ordered the Post Office to refuse delivery of hundreds of magazines and newspapers. Newspaperman H.L. Mencken, who was opposed to both World Wars, was consequently gagged during both.

Writing for the Investor's Business Daily last month, Brian Mitchell noted that "Critics of the war might run afoul of the Foreign Agents Registration Act by merely downloading and distributing information off Yugoslavian Web sites." What about sites that have been a tad negative on the war, like WorldNetDaily, for instance? "The government might even attempt to jam foreign Web sites and intimidate domestic Internet service providers from hosting pro-Serb sites." Great.

Given the extraordinary powers that would be handed to the president should Congress declare war on Serbia, I think we should all be more than a little cautious -- especially when you consider that the president in question is none other than Mr. Emperor himself, William Jefferson Clinton. If he's given these expanded powers, we can kiss Lady Liberty goodbye.

With our liberties at stake, Congress should not permit Clinton to wage this war any longer, neither should it kowtow to a request for a declaration of war.

Because if it does, then I guess I'll see you all in jail.[/quote]


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

Technically, all those are possible and a case could be made to "justify" them.

Will it happen? Dunno, I don't think he/they would do anything that drastic.

Why not? Hitler broke a cardinal rule of war....2 major fronts. Clinton is starting a war on the Constitutional rights and inherent rights of US citizens....it would be absurdly stupid to crush the Constitution and wage a foreign war simultaneously. The mere act would bring all the fence sitters to our side....instant polarization and a clear view of who the real enemy is. No more doubts and no more questioning. Enraged righteous thinking Americans are magnitudes more dangerous than any foreign enemy.

Don't lose focus...they will do nothing so blatant as to rally the citizenry against them.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Small observation. There was never a declaration of war in Vietnam and that sure as hel lasted more than 60 days...
I think Coward Clinton and his cronies have incrementalism down to a fine art. My bet is that they don't change tactics now. I think this article describes a very improbable concern. IMHO.
Gentlemen: First to Engineer... Viet Nam preceded the Law and it ended in 1975 just 2 yrs after the law was passed. It was sort of 'grandfathered'

There have been papers filed in federal court finding him in violation of this act. I'm given to understand that he hasn't even made the the Presidential Finding to the Congress , that is his official request for a declaration of war. He just does his Imperial thing....

We are in fact in total doodoo here in the USA , but most are totally unaware of it !!!

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
As I've remarked before, the President is in charge of the only branch of government which actually DOES things. The only real limits on his power are:
1. The willingness of his employees to violate illegitimate orders. They're chosen on the basis of being willing to do ANYTHING he orders, of course.
2. His own conscience. This President doesn't have one.
3. The willingness of Congress to remove him from office if he oversteps. As everyone now knows, they AREN'T willing.

Might as well face it, ladies and gentlemen; We aren't living in a constitutionally limited Republic, we are living in a serial monarchy. And how serial it still is we won't know until Clinton's term ends, and we see if he makes an effort to remain in office; About the only power grab left for him to try.
Rule by eo,,,,,

How about the possibility that Hillary rodham clinton is going to run for the senate in newyork......If she wins or has a good showing she probably will continue to create a political life for her self, heaven forbid her winnings but if she does, do any of think she will not run for the presidency, she could team up with there socialist buddy schummer as the vp.....there's a nightmare.
polictical life is all the clintons have ever known, and im concerned that unlike most presidents who drift into obscurity after their term of office, these people know nothing else and will want to stay involved----as has happened in the past a former president has interceded on the part of the existing president overseas with another country, could imagine anyone sending clinton?......fubsy.