What if moving?


New member
What if I am moving from a one state to another that has similar firearms laws. Can I just move them(hand guns) with me and be done with it or is there anything else that has to be done? I am not moving but the question came up with some friends and none of us really knew.
Right off the top of my head, I'd say it will primarily be determined by the state to which you are moving. If you are carrying the firearms to your new home state in your own vehicle, the states through which you travel may have rules of transport as well.

Might want to lock them in hard cases while transporting, without ammo. If kept in the trunk, this is acceptable many places.
May also want to register them with local law enforcement when you arrive. Should not cost anything, just go the the local sheriff's dept. and ask.

DISCLAIMER: "No information posted here is a substitute for actual legal statutes. Contact law enforcement before attempting to travel with a firearm."

That being said, www.packing.org is a good source for state laws. Just simplify it by doing research beforehand.

Hope this helps.
The '86 FOPA makes it legal to transport firearms from any location where they are legal to any other location where they are legal, whether moving permanently or just visiting. As stated, the actual method of storage while transporting depends on the individual state laws.

Should you not wish to tranport them physically, you can ship them to yourself at the destination and pick them up when you arrive. You can even ship them C/O a friend at that location and they can store them for you.