What if I don't believe in God?

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Much is made about the premise that the Bill of Rights is merely a list of rights all humans are born with, courtesy of God, put to paper.

What if I'm an atheist? How do I reconcile this premise that these rights come from God, if I don't believe in God?

(I still believe in the rights.)

[This message has been edited by deanf (edited June 30, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by deanf (edited June 30, 1999).]
You could also think of these rights as "Natural" rights, or those you were born with. In the end, it doesn't matter if you believe in God or not, everyone has these rights.


If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
Be glad that the guys who started this country did!
Let's make a short list of the "successful" folks just in this century who stated plainly their opposition to God: the short list would have to include Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao; what do we have between these four guys, about 40 MILLION or so dead?
If it's all the same to you, I'll take my chances on the folks who at least believe there is a God, whether they cast their lot with him or not.
(angry sarcasm mode ON)


Thanks for tarring atheists with the commie brush.

Atheists don't believe in a supreme being. The tyrants *you* describe don't want *anyone* to believe in a supreme being.

I don't care if you worship God or Allah or Buddha or Brewster the Rooster; that's *your* choice, and you're welcome to it.

But don't you EVER compare me to Stalin or Mao simply because I choose to not worship anything.

Do I interfere with your religion? NO. So don't hassle me (or any other atheist) about my lack of religion.

(angry sarcasm mode OFF)

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited June 30, 1999).]
We have been through this enough times...I will not tolerate a divisive religious debate.

KAM stated it best: God or natural law, take your pick and leave it be.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Coinneach. I don't think that he was comparing you to Stalin, Mao, etc. I just think he was stating that these non-gentlemen just all happened to be atheists.
I happen to believe in God. I believe in Jesus Christ. I am a born again Christain, for what it's worth. BUT! I do not believe in any organized church.
Let's drop God out of this for a moment. (No disrespect to God is meant here)
Look at the animal world. They have no religion. It's not even sure as to whether they can think as we do, or just operate on instinct and limited memory. A deer that uses a certain way to escape hunters successfully, will continue to use the same method of escape until it fails. If a smart hunter figures it out, meat in the pot. If a deer is able, he will run from a mountain lion. If not he either fights, or is eaten. Usually the latter, I would imagine. It is the survival of the fittest. If some thug attacks you, you can run, fight, or whatever you want to do. It boils down to survival. Whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Atheist, whatever, you have the right to survive if you are fit enough. It is endemic in you. No creature wants to die, man included. Why does the deer run? If the will to live were not built in, the species would cease to exist. Maybe I'm off track here. Went to bed late, got up too early. Sleep deprived again. Better take a nap or something.
Paul B.
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