what if firearms are banned in the u.s.

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i searched this site to find my answer but no results my question is what would happen if firearms are banned in america. i know ppl. say "we will walk on capital hill" and things like "get our guns and fight",but what will realy happen. it doesent happen in just one law being passed its several so when is the line crossed when is the time to fight? are their even enough ppl. willing to fight? i know that our gov. was set up so we can vote and voice our opinion and chainger without war but we all know that that might not be enough to keep our rights im not saying we need a different kind of gov. i love democracy but any form of gov. tyranny can prevail. if thair is a walk on capital hill will it be enough? when is the time to fight if firearms are banned hire?
I feel sorry for whoever has to do the cnfiscations in the south. Won't be nothing left but beer cans, shotgunshells and dead ATF agents. The fact is that no matter what the brady bunch says, people know they are liars.
The Christian worldview our Founding Fathers and their ancestors had has to be in the hearts and minds of your state and community. Your state is supposed to safeguard you and your kith and kin from abuses of the Federal government. The Federal government is not supposed to have the final word. It is not supposed to be a centralized system. I think the solution is 1) to win the hearts and minds of the people on the local level and 2) have your state take measures to defend the rights of it's inhabitants. The former is harder than the latter but needs to be. Remember our Founding Fathers stood on their rights, not by force of arms. They used force of arms to defend themselves and their communities. We need to stand for true law and order, not anarchy.
Simply saying "walking on the Capitol" and "Cocking our guns" is abstract an can even be viewed (maybe rightly so depending on intent) as revolutionary. Revolutionaries create more problems than they destroy.

In a nutshell, we need to work from the ground up. It needs to start at home, not electing Republican or Democrat to sit in Washington.

We need to have this understanding, otherwise we are nothing more than rogues with a French Revolutionary worldview. A far cry from the Founding Fathers and their like
sorry i dident mean for it to sound like walk on capital hill and use our guns i ment walk on capital hill and protest OR use our guns sorry for the mis understanding and yes i agree we shouldent elect Republican or Democrat to sit in Washington
i like most americans, dont want it to get violent
I didn't mean to suggest that you did want that. But as to your question, when is it time to fight and who is going to the way of thinking that our Founding Fathers had is the only way any significant and true change is going to happen.

As for the government grabbing guns, I'm not going to go down and turn mine in. I will probably bury mine and if anyone asks claim they were stolen a long time ago.
Bullets first, Cold dead fingers...

I won't be turning any in. I refuse to be in a position of having to wait for protection. I have the means to dissappear into the ozarks and be self sufficient if needed.
I seriously doubt there will be an all out ban on firearms here in the States. There very well maybe harsh restrictions but no ban. If there was an all out ban then WWIII would erupt and lots of dead bodies would litter the our country.
I will probably bury mine and if anyone asks claim they were stolen a long time ago.

I've heard it said that when it's time to bury the guns, it's then time to dig them back up and load 'em.

I also suspect that a mission critical approach to final gun confiscation will be to nab/arrest/kill/disappear all the folks that DID disappear up into the hills, as they definitely have fighting spirit. And initially they would be isolated when they "run for the hills." No big firefights, just lone reactionaries who are stranded against superior forces. DEA/FBI/ATF/LocalPD/DHS/NG swat-like teams would take out each and every isolated person/group.

The only protection is immediate armed rally, when such a move is made by the federal government. If a group of 100+ people can form quickly enough that they aren't arrested as kooks when they only number less than 10, that is the heart of your revolution. The weaponry of those 100+ people needs to be able to out-gun anything the locals can throw up, so it needs to be a mix of AR's/AK's/SKS's/M14's/FAL's and long distance weaponry such as .338 and 50BMG rifles. Around here, sherriff Joe Arpaio has an APC with an M60 mounted up top and I suspect he would fall in with the gun grabbers, so AP rounds are critical.

Look to your large community shooting centers. In Phoenix, Arizona, I would expect Ben Avery Shooting Center, Usery Pass shooting range, Caswell's gun club and Scottsdale gun club to be rally centers, along with the more popular gun shops and gun accessory shops such as Dillon Precision. These are politically active sites that have wealthy and influential gun owners that are members or owners.

Similar community shooting centers exist in other cities. I would expect resistance to begin near these as gun owners rally to one another for support, information and protection.

Another place to look would be National Guard armories, although I expect they would 90% or more go to the federal side. Any guardsmen not siding with the .gov would simply not show up on base. I suspect that most will place their allegiance in orders rather than oaths, though, and the armories will thus be under government control.
I predict when the final time comes the government will claim that "bird flu" or some other catastrophe has struck and everyone needs to either go to "rest camps", relocate, report for vaccines and training, turn in their guns, etc. etc.

Those that don't will be taken out and the government can conveniently say that the bird flu killed them or they were a danger by not complying or some such thing.

The final gun confiscation will not be called that, it will be a terrorist attack or quarantine to achieve those aims. Realize, the country has never been like it was pre-9/11. If something bigger happens or is staged, it is a pretext that can be used for decades.
Open ended.
"Will you fight".

It's all conjecture. It's all boring. It's all very personal.

I'm sorry, this thread is closed. Nothing good can come of it.
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