I'd be willing to bet that the most staunchly pro-gun folks (like Coinneach), and the most staunchly anti-gun folks would be against it.
I'd also bet that a lot of middle-of-the-road gun owners would think that it's a great idea.
I'm somewhere in the middle of the middle myself; but I don't think I'm going to stay there...
I'd hate to give up the freedom of private gun sales in Ohio like we have them now. On the other hand, I'd like to be able to carry legally to protect myself and my family.
My rational side tells me that both are an infringement on my rights. And that sacrificing these rights would be doing a disservice to my children, who I hope will be able to own and carry guns someday. My emotional side tells me that doing this would allow me to feel confident that I could defend my family if the need should arise. And that by not doing so now, my children may not be around to own guns someday.
Both have their good sides and bad sides.
Why should I have to choose one or the other?
<uh, oh....I feel a "stream of consciousness" rant coming on....>
I guess it's a matter of belief. Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't. I
can have it both ways. I can carry concealed in defiance of an immoral and unconstitutional law. I can protect my children as I see fit. I can continue to purchase and sell guns privately in my state. I can pass down this heritage to my children, unfettered by more unconstitutional laws.
I am not committing any crime against my fellow man by buying, selling, or carrying a gun. I am morally right to want to defend my family. I refuse to allow an unconstitutional law to prevent me from keeping my family safe. I will neither be comforted nor consoled by knowing that I am a law-abiding citizen while my family lies dead at my feet. I refuse to bow to the pressures of immoral men who have passed these laws and by those who refuse to repeal them. The law offers my family no protection in the face of danger. The gun offers me protection from danger, but loss of liberty via the law for having it. I am damned by the law either way.
The choice is mine. I can decide how to proceed without regard to the law. It is immoral and unconstitutional and offers me no safety. I choose to live my life in a moral way without regard to the immoral laws that men make. Their laws try to crush me into a mold that will shape my behavior and my beliefs. I am not going to let immoral men decide anything for me. I will decide and come to terms with my decision with myself, my family and my God. That is all that matters. Let posterity judge me for what I decide.
I choose to be free!
"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website