What I take to the range: OUTDOORS


New member
I belong to a private outdoor club. What you bring is what you use out there. You leave something at home or something breaks, you're screwed.


Most range stuff I leave in my vehicle because it's a lot of work to load and unload.


Arntzen AR-500 steel (IDPA and Standard round targets)
Rubber dummy
IDPA Cardboard targets
NRA D-1 targets
Target stand (4 2x2s)

Being in an outdoor range, you become your own technical support for sighting your equipment, fixing targets, hanging targets, equipment failure, etc. Last thing I need after driving 24 minutes it to forget to bring something. Stapler and spare staples is a showstopper for me, if I don't have them. I always have my steel targets but if a joint on the stand, or the bolt that holds the target fails, it makes for a failed journey.

Sights can be off, particularly with ammo brand changes, despite same bullet grain weight. I never understand the concept of fixed sights, as point of impact changes for different loads from my experience. My friend has a beautiful PC S&W 629 with rear channel sights.


Universal Sight Pusher tool, Glock Front sight tool

stapler, spare staples

Trigger weight gauge

Toolkit with screwdrivers, torx screwdriver, punch


1911 multitool with pliers

AR-15 Multitool with knife

Spare CR2032 batteries

Green Laser boresight tool: Green is visible out to 25 yards

PACT Club timer: It is a way to track progress

Spare nuts, bolts, washers for my Arntzen targets

Adjustable wrenches for my Arntzen target stand

Torque screwdriver

Upula universal magazine reloaders for pistol, AK, AR: Saves the thumbs, particularly with my volume.

Ruger magazine speedloader


flashlight (no lights in the woods, here)

Laser rangefinder, spare laser rangefinder

Rubber mallet (field strip my Mark II Ruger)

SPARE COMPARTMENT: Always have a backup plan.

Electronic hearing protection

Spare electronic hearing protection: because even though you tell a guest they need eyes and ears, some knucklehead doesn't.

Foam hearing protection

Spare stapler

Spare box of Staples

Sighting scope/tripod

AMMO BOX (50 cal size): Because If you forget your ammo, you're screwed.

Spare ammunition in 223/5.56, 300 AAC, 22 LR, 357 Magnum, 45 ACP


I just clean the Bore, feed ramp and slide after each shooting.


I don't always bring my Lead sled. It is helpful for sighting in as it takes out human error.

Pistol rest. Useful for load work ups.

Chronograph. How will you determine your effective range or distance, or even bullet drops without one? I use it in conjunction with ballistics apps on the iPhone. That's how I am able to shoot my handguns beyond the usual self defense range, for fun.

Instagram: MuzzleblastMD
Sounds like you are very well prepared.

I also belong to a private outdoor club, however it's only a mile from my house. That being said, I won't turn around to go home for forgotten things. I keep a milk crate with supplies.
-staple gun with spare Staples
-2 pairs of over the ear hearing protection
-ziploc full of disposable ear plugs for guests(or anyone
in need)
-blaze orange duct tape
-roll of 3" red bullseye stickers
-pack of cheap paper plates
-couple of empty pizza boxes
-several steel targets (improvised)
-shepherds hook
-handgun and rifle cleaning kits
-can of CLP
-a permanent marker
-some basic small tools
-coffee can for empty brass

Think that's about it. Guns and ammo don't stay in the vehicle....all the rest does.
You forgot to mention magazines. Nothing worse than showing up and not having a magazine to load.

My list is much simpler, eyes, ears, guns, ammo, magazines, targets, small screwdriver set, targets, stapler and extra staples.

I keep most of the items in a large contractor tool bag which also carries the guns and ammo. I keep targets in the trunk of my car along with extra eyes and ears.

I usually bring 4 or more guns so if something happens to one gun (loose scope, squib round, etc) I don't worry about it at the range.

I drive a little 2 seater Mercedes and couldn't fit that much stuff in my car if I tried.
I forgot...I also have a couple pairs of eye protection.

I drive a minivan, so space is a non issue. In addition to the shooting gear, I've got 4 fishing rods, a tackle box, a tackle bag, and my skateboard. Never know when I'm gonna have the time for my interests, so I like to be prepared.
My range bag, actually a large wheeled tool bag, contains targets, stapler staples, duct tape zip ties, cleaning kit, basic Tools, hearing protection, my chroney, and spotting scope. I also carry cardboard that is cut to fit the target stands they use at the private range where I shoot. Because it's hit or miss if they have any on hand. The duct tape, and zip ties are helpful holding the cardboard on if the stand is shot up pretty bad.
My guns, ammo, and spare mags are brought in another, smaller range bag. Or two LOL.
I don't bring spare parts, just spare guns.:D
A rifle and or handgun. A 12 pack of cheap pop for targets. Gun oil, Ammo, hearing and eye protection. That's it.
Just what I need !!!

I take what I need, for that day and what I'm shooting. I don't do any "smithing" in the field only for sight adjustment. I get a little nervous when the guy, next to me, keeps fiddling around and test firing...... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
You have that right! I go there to shoot if something go wrong I put it up get out my other gun or guns. why wast good range time!
No steel targets or metal stands allowed at outdoor range here.
PVC target stand with cardboard , targets and staple gun
Range bag with couple of pistols
9mm ammo,4 magazines
.22lr ammo ,4 mags
10/22 and Bi pod
small tool kit , Bore Snake and small bottle CLP
PBJ sandwich and bottled water
First aid kit in car and cell phone
CDR, I have an older SUV that is my "range" vehicle, so I just leave it loaded with stuff I'm likely to need. That "stuff" includes many of the items you and others have mentioned. Most needed thing I left home one time was the electronic key card to open the range gate. The card just stays in the range vehicle with the rest of the gear now;)
Paper plates
Bullseye stickers
Spotting scope
2 tripods
Eyes & ears
Glasses cleaner and cloth
Small tool set
Dud rod....wood rod to push out dud bullets in pistol barrels
Staple gun and extra staples
Rifle rest...lead sled or separate rests
Sand bags for pistol
Mag Loader
Notepad, pen and calipers....moving to iPhone measured groups
Gun and mags and ammo
Wow, if I lugged all that crap around, I'd never go to the range. Well, our range only allows cardboard and paper targets.
Your lucky, being able to shoot steel.
Range bag with ammo, spare mags, handgun cases, hearing protection, clearing kit, (cleaning kit strong enough to unplug a stuck bullet from a squib load), targets and target tools. Steel 3/4 IDPA AR500 target, 2 2x4s, AR500 stand, regular paper target stand and 1/2s, water, (5-6 gallons in the People Mover, and a gallon on the line), rifles in cases and I'm pretty much good. I always have a knife and a Leatherman on me, plus tools and other stuff like first aid kit in the People Mover.
I don't BELONG to an outdoor range, I USE a free, unmonitored city maintained outdoor range, so I guess my taxes are my range fees. ;)
Sights can be off, particularly with ammo brand changes, despite same bullet grain weight. I never understand the concept of fixed sights, as point of impact changes for different loads from my experience.

Unless you are shooting a competition gun (where you should be using adjustable sights) you don't need to adjust your sights for every load, particularly if you are using off the shelf ammo. Heck even on my competition guns I only adjust my sights if my match ammo changes. Sometimes I use practice ammo of a different load (like winning loaded ammo off the prize table, needing new brass, or other reasons), but I just accept that it won't have quite the same POI, as it isn't worth adjusting my sights for a single range trip.
My list

Always in my car:
Range Bag
Ear Protection
Eye Protection
Spare batteries
Misc Targets
Adjustable Wrench
Stapler w/ spare staples
Small cones
Distance Measuring tools for laying out stages
Small gun tool kit with screwdrivers, glock punch, small hammer, squib rod, et al
Timer w/ charger
Small cleaning kit /w lube
Trauma Kit
Boo Boo Kit

I keep my steel targets on the range, so there is no reason to take them with me (though I have 3 MGM Auto Poppers I need to take to the range). I also have a smaller bag that I keep guns, ammo, cameras, and other stuff that I move between the house and the car.