What I Don't Like About Glock...

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Since the last thread about Glocks got closed before I could respond, I just wanted to explain three reasons why I personally find my Glock 17 to be one of my least favorite guns. Still, however, a gun that I keep and use.

1. I am not comfortable carrying a handgun with a relatively light trigger pull, with one in the pipe without an external safety that I can manually manipulate. I've been a gun-owner for many years and have owned, shot and carried many guns. I've heard all of the "safety" retorts, such as "the only safety you need is your finger, etc." Sure, some people train relentlessly with their Glock and they fee comfortable carrying it. No problem there, it's just not for me.

2. I am not nearly as accurate with my full-sized Glock 17 as I am with a number of other 9mm's which are mostly steel. I am a much better shot with my CZ 75B, S&W 659, old Steyr GB, Hi-Power and a number of other older 9mm's than I am with my Glock.

3. The Glock's trigger out of the box is not what I consider to be a good trigger. I completely understand the mechanics of the Glock, have tried systems to improve the trigger, but I just never liked the pull or feel of the trigger. I especially do not like the trigger-dingus safety.

Having said that, I do acknowledge that my Glock 17 has been a very durable and completely reliable gun. I've owned it for decades now and have put many rounds through it. While I wouldn't get rid of it, I have never felt the urge to purchase another one.
My experience is pretty much the same as yours, except with a Glock 26.

I don't really care for the gun. I don't shoot it all that well compared to other guns. Nothing I can do to any size Glock has made it feel like it fits well in my hands.

But it is an easy to conceal 10 shot CCW pistol.

For more accurate, more enjoyable shooting I will take my CZ-85B or pretty much any metal framed, non striker fired gun.

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So this thread will get closed too right? Because starting a thread to make a response to a closed thread seems a bit much.

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So this thread will get closed too right? Because starting a thread to make a response to a closed thread seems a bit much.

If that's what the Mods decide - it is up to them. I did check the rules and do not see where I have violated any of them. In any event, I just wanted to express what I personally do not like about Glocks. I would hope you understand that I am not trashing the gun - there is nothing wrong with the gun. It's just not the end-all be-all gun for everyone. I pointed out several reasons why it just doesn't work well for me.

But it [Glock 26] is an easy to conceal 10 shot CCW pistol

I have no experience wit this model. An easy to conceal 10-shot 9mm is appealing. I feel more comfortable with small DAO, DA/SA, and even 1911 style SAO guns, admittedly, none of the ones I own have 10 round capacities.
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So this thread will get closed too right? Because starting a thread to make a response to a closed thread seems a bit much.

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In the last thread, the mod took a shot of his own, THEN declared that the thread served no useful purpose. That one left me shaking my head.

But I do like irony sometimes, so there’s that.
If that's what the Mods decide - it is up to them. I did check the rules and do not see where I have violated any of them. In any event, I just wanted to express what I personally do not like about Glocks. I would hope you understand that I am not trashing the gun - there is nothing wrong with the gun. It's just not the end-all be-all gun for everyone. I pointed out several reasons why it just doesn't work well for me.

I have no experience wit this model. An easy to conceal 10-shot 9mm is appealing. I feel more comfortable with small DAO, DA/SA, and even 1911 style SAO guns, admittedly, none of the ones I own have 10 round capacities.
I would prefer da/sa too but I haven't found a subcompact I like.

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I have a glock 19, really like the gun but won't carry it with one in the chamber. I would really prefer a stiffer DA trigger.
No reason a thread can't stay open if we're civil.

It took me a LOONG time to warm up to a Glock. I only bought one when I ran across a used one at a price I knew I could get my money back on when I sold it. I bought it just to try planning to sell it once I confirmed that I didn't like it.

But I found that I shot it better than expected and I now have several. At the time no one made anything else that I felt was as rugged and reliable. With practice I found that I could shoot them VERY well. Honestly, my Glocks have a crisp 5-6 lb trigger pull after a slight take up. My factory 1911's have a crisp 5-6 lb trigger pull with no take up, but a thumb safety. I shoot both equally well once I got used to the take up.

I've always felt they would be a better gun with a thumb safety similar to a 1911. But as long as they are carried in a proper holster the lack of a safety doesn't concern me. It is after the gun comes out and those times where a gun is used as a night stand gun that a safety wouldn't hurt.

Today Ruger, S&W, and others make similar guns, that I think are probably just as rugged and reliable and they have the option of a thumb safety. The military version of the Sig 320 has one. If I were starting over today I'd probably go that route over Glock simply because of the safety option.

But I have several Glocks that I like and shoot well enough. And my 2 favorites are the G20 and G29 in 10mm. If Smith ever offers their M&P in 10mm with a safety they might get me to sell my Glocks and convert.
I'm with you on that. I don't want to like Glock. But it's one of my top 3 carry guns because of how well I shoot them, their durability, their simplicity, and how easy it is to do anything on them. I can fully detail strip and entire Glock with the exception of the sights with just the punch/Glock tool.

I move onto something else for a little while and if it's not better than my Glock or Classic SIG P-Series in all departments, I ditch it. I've been a little less emotional with my guns this year. But I always have at least one Glock in the stable. If not for a rainy day.
I could really like my G19 if it had a manual safety and the trigger pull was smooth. It's about 4-1/2 to 5 lbs but it is crunchy. I'm hoping that it'll smooth up some more with use. I tried the 25 cent trigger job, I actually made it worse and bought a new trigger and connector. I also tried a Ghost connector, it made the pull lighter but no smoother. I will try a little moly grease on it and see if it helps even tho Glock says 1 drop of oil. I also had to buy a taller rear sight for it but they are cheap, no major problem here.
As much as I can respect the beauty that is Glock, I’ve never been able to shoot thier double stacks well. That said, I’ve gone all-in on thier single stacks. Love em!
Skans: said:
...I am not nearly as accurate with my full-sized Glock 17 as I am with a number of other 9mm's which are mostly steel. I am a much better shot with my CZ 75B, S&W 659, old Steyr GB, Hi-Power and a number of other older 9mm's than I am with my Glock...

This is like comparing apples & oranges & I like fruit salad. Seriously, my Glocks tend to take more of a pounding at the range compared to my CZ’s and my BHP’s
Skans started this thread by saying that the subject is why he does not like Glocks. He thinks, he says, that they are very good guns. He then points out why he does not like them as much as other guns that he shoots better.

So it's a thread about his preferences in handguns. It's not about Glocks being poor guns, it's about why he doesn't like them. Others have added to that.

Glocks have been in the U.S. over 30 years now. Some folks are going to prefer them and some aren't. I can't see myself arguing for or against a fellas preferences.

The thread I closed basically was contentless. A reasoned evaluation of a gun is legit.

It is my opinion that a trained person can pick up most semiautos and shoot them reasonably well unless the hand size issue is extreme.

If you get into the nuances of higher level performance, I can see preferences.

About the safety issue - isn't that sort of a yawn by now?
What do I not like Glock? Wait for it...

I JUST DON'T! I respect that they are accurate, reliable, practical firearms that are perfect to give to law enforcement with limited training on firearms handling. There is no manual safety, no decocker, the trigger pull is the same every time... they just make sense with their simplicity. They are also a good value. It's not hard to find a lightly used Glock for $400, which is a good price on a top tier (top tier in regards to the utility of defensive firearms) semi-automatic pistol. I do not contest their reputation for reliability; though I will say that reputation has been oversold by some and many do not see the fact that there are, in fact, other quality pistols that are just as reliable as a Glock. That's right, I said there are many other pistols that are every bit as reliable as Glocks.

Glock has all of these things, and are artful in their simplicity (but not in their lines and looks, to me, I confess). I just don't like them. I don't like the looks. I don't like the trigger pull. I prefer my pistols to be, well... less simple. I don't mind training to a DA/SA trigger, especially when the SA trigger is way better than any Glock that is safe for duty carry could be.

Despite not liking Glock, if anyone ever asks for advice for a first handgun to learn on and for SD/Home protection... "Glock 19" is on my short list of recommendations. Why? Because I know they will work well for the application and are a good, solid, yet no-frills first firearm choice.

EDIT: And I know well why the first thread was closed. The OP initially posted several claims that simply cannot be proven (Most combat tested pistol; preferred by "Real" operators that have combat experience, etc.) and it was written in a manner that would naturally draw criticism from someone with a differing opinion. FWIW I have been to "the two-way range" and I trusted the M9, not that I cared much about a pistol in the middle east in the first place. Wars are fought by rifles, and last I checked Glock doesn't make a rifle that is used by "operators." At any rate, the first response in the post was a popcorn eating smiley. It was not far off base of what would happen should that thread have remained open. Mods here tend to nip those in the bud.
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I have never liked Glocks. My brother bought one in '88, I think, and I never warmed up to it the few times I shot it. It was ugly, plastic, the trigger was spongy like a toy gun trigger, and I couldn't be very accurate with it.

Fast forward to a couple years ago: I decided that I needed at least one Glock in my safe and bought a G19 gen 4 on sale. Still ugly. Still plastic, but I'd mostly gotten over that prejudice in the last dozen years or so. Trigger was better than I remembered, but still spongy. The alternate backstraps were a significant improvement, IMO.

Given time, I can shoot it about as accurately as anything else I own out to about 15 yards, but if I'm in a hurry I tend to shoot about an inch high and an inch or two to the left with it. Is that a deal-breaker? For defensive purposes, no. Beyond 20 yards, it's accuracy is barely acceptable, but that's in my hands. Which is the point, I guess, since I'm the one that has to rely on it.

And it doesn't index all that well for me, even with the addition of a backstrap. Many times during dry-fire practice, I'll draw and point to find that the front sight is off to one side even behind the left rear sight blade.

This simply isn't the case with either my M&P or any of my 1911s.

I believe this has to do with the blocky 2x4 grip shape, and the size of my hand. Of course, it doesn't take much time to make the adjustment to center the front sight, but it does take a measurable amount of time.

And while I freely admit that the Glock is my permanent back-up when I go to training classes, for it's reliability and simple manual of arms, I never feel really confident with it accuracy-wise, especially for precision shots or shots past 15 yards (we've run timed drills where you have to hit 8-inch steel at 25 and 35 yards). As far as going bang, yes, of course, I know it's going to go bang every time.

So as everyone has said, my Glock is eminently serviceable, reliable, durable, etc. and I wouldn't hesitate to pick it up if needed. But if that moment arrived and somehow my M&P was on the counter right next to my Glock, I'd pick up the M&P first every time.

But I would never consider selling it. It's just not my favorite handgun. It's kind of like owning a reasonable car. I might have a sports car or whatever truck, etc. for fun, but I always have a form of basic, bullet-proof transportation, like a Honda Civic, just in case.
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For years and years, I didn't like Glocks. I remembered shooting my friends .45 Glock way back in the day...like '92 or so...and I remember disliking the mushy trigger and the blocky appearance. He sold it shortly after that. So, Glocks were off my radar.

Then, comes the summer of 2017. The Gen 4's had come out about a year earlier, but the Gen 3's were still being sold. I watched too many Hickok45 videos, and he loves the G19. Long story short, I found a Gen 3 G19 at a good price and bought it.

I didn't shoot it until this year, though. I was in no hurry. It was a Glock, after all. Finally, I pulled the gun out of the safe and went to the range. Wow, was I ever surprised. I freakin' love this gun. I love the size. i love the weight. I like the trigger (in comparison to other striker fired guns). I like the way it points. I even like the OEM sights. The gun fits my hand, finger grooves and all. Most of all, I can shoot the crap out of the thing and tear bullseyes UP out to 30'.

I put 600 rounds through it without a hitch, straight out of the box, no cleaning. I have a lot of 9mm handguns. The G19 has vaulted to the top of my favorite 9mm's.

I feel so ashamed.
It's pretty simple to crisp up the trigger on a Glock. Takes about 3 minutes, doesn't permanently change anything, and costs like $29 for a tuneable kit. I've done it to all my Glocks and it's been reliable for 14+ years.

What is done? Just replacing Glock's connector and adding a 6lb Competition trigger spring that takes up the over travel and lightens the pull. Lone Wolf Distributors makes a kit HERE of 3 different 3.5lb connectors (original, target, and classic) and the 6lb trigger spring so you can tune your trigger to the exact feel you want.
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