What homework do you get done while at the range?


If your like me, its a treat when the planets align and I get to make it up to put some lead downrange...

What do you typically like to get done while at the range? With the cost of ammo, Im curious on what drills you like to hammer through to keep your skills sharp.

At least twice a year, I like to get in 2 box drills per scope I own to validate my zero and ensure one click means one click.

With handguns, I do alot of holster work. This depends alot on summer vs winter carry rigs, and how I plan to implement those.

Regarding 22lr, I seldom go to the range without bringing up the walmart brick of 550...and have actually really tried to get a 22 "clone" of each of my full calibers...IE, I have a GSG 1911 in 22 to match my 3 1911s I have in 45...point being to match the safety, drawing, holstering, etc...I have same with my ARs and Glocks. Hard to beat plinking and its always good to incorporate some good work while at play.

So Im curious what others enjoy doing while at the range...

OH, and BTW, I found a cheaper, lighter, easier set up (and biodegradable) alternative that steel...I have found some clay-pigeon target hangers that clip onto a 3/16 inch dowel rod or rope...instant gratification of busting a clay, and I get 90 shots for $5.99. Although, I do like the sound of hitting steel.

I don't see any advantage to messing with a scope once it's properly sighted in. Do you think they "go bad" sitting in the safe? I'm not a "knob twiddler" and have scopes that haven't been(or needed) adjusted/changed since they were mounted and originally adjusted.
I don't do "drills". My shooting skills or lack thereof are a product of my own experiences and needs. I shoot what, when, and in the manner I feel like on my personal range.
Boltgun , Welcome aboard. While my personal habits lay more towards MObuck's observations , it looks like MoBuck may not be currently serving on our hospitality committee. My compliments on the company you keep. I don't do any drills. I shoot when I can and it's out the backdoor. No dues and no range officer. I like to get out any gun I haven't used in awhile. I shoot a few deer and maybe a Coyote beyond 200 yards. All my other shooting is a 25-50-100 yard situation. There are a lot of folks on here that are big on tactical training and will have better comments than mine. Good luck on your post and we are flattered that you have joined us.
Recently, it's been accuracy and 1-shot from the high ready mostly. (I need to get to a range that allows more drills! The local public range is nice, but no holster work or anything beyond 2 shots in rapid succession.) I also run malfunction drills.

On less restrictive ranges, I'll run the "Pistol Instructor Standards" pretty frequently, then work on whatever were my weak points. (http://combatshootingandtactics.com/standards.htm)
I consider myself fortunate to be able to take a class at least every other month. For the past few years I've tried to train with as many different companies and instructors as I can ... sort of a "tactical survey" of what is out there, so to speak.

This has been illuminating but also frustrating. Having spent considerable time trying to work every various or alternate technique, to the point where I think I am familiar enough to have an informed opinion about them ... I've become "not really that good at anything".

My focus now is settle into a less aggressive training schedule with instructors and schools I've come to like, and aggressively practice ONLY those subset of techniques I've grown to trust as being "better for me".

Monthly, I manage one or two range trips, often to an uncontrolled range where I can do anything I want, subject only to how many people are there and how cooperative we can be with each other.

My main focus is always pistol, because that's the far more likely tool I'll have available at any given time. I practice draws almost exclusive at home with an unloaded gun. Range time is spent trying different target combinations and distances, trying to improve mostly my ability to shoot well while moving as quickly as possible.
I make it to my range about twice a month, sometimes more.

I tend to focus on distance shots with pistols, backing up a few yards after every mag. Can't nail the bull from 50 yet, but I'm getting better every time.

Extensive practice with carry gun is cost-prohibitive, but I try to run a few mags through at least once a month to keep in practice. Mostly quick-draw and failure drills.

Also do load-testing, of course
I like to shoot about 4 mags of my CC gun (p238) from different distances.

I'm now creating a schedule for ar carbine activities.

I'll shoot my other guns that strike my fancy that day. But to be honest I've invested in reloading to eventually allow me to shoot for much cheaper.

Everytime I go to the range, I put the target at about 10 ft and quickly double tap. Look down, then pull up and double tap again. I do this about 5 times or so. I'm not really looking at sights...I'm point shooting. Just as when there is a physical attack on the street, I will not have time to stretch and warm-up before the fight, I will have to get it on immediately. I feel the same way about shooting. I don't want any warm-ups, just pull up and double tap. If I have different guns with me, I will do this at the starte of each gun.
Afterwards, when I can get away with it, I like to do some Mozambique drills, then usually just try to cut as much of the same hole as I can at different distances (usually not very successfully) :o
Dryfire and Holster work at home. At the range dot torture is first and then the Mozambique Drill from low ready. Cant draw and shoot at the range, but I can grab from the table and shoot.
Try to 'hone' or at least 'refresh' pistol, rifle, shotgun skills. There is something satisfying about shooting a tight group or busting clays. I try not to be obsessive about any one particular aspect of shooting (reloads, grains, fps, chronos, calibers, gadgets, etc.) but I am a bit obsessive about utilizing the fundamentals.

I can't wait to go shooting again.. :cool:
Lately, it's been start from a few feet from the target, draw from concealed. While backing up, I fire off my mag ( I usually only load 3 or 4 round for this drill), reload, and fire off my other mag while walking forward. If I have friends with me, I have them load my mags and load a snap cap in one of the mags if they choose, so I get to practice FTFs and clearing a round as well. With this drill, it costs me a lot less to go to the range, and I have a lot of fun with it as well.
Speed Speed Speed
Been doing alot of handgun work these past few months. Mainly paying attention to retention positions, reflex sighting and malfunction scenarios.
I haven't worked this much with a handgun in awhile...feels good.
2 years ago when I joined my first range I took a 2 day IPSC Black Badge course.
This allows me to draw from a holster at our range.
I haven't had time to practice enough to go out and start shooting matches yet but I will soon.

Most of my practice is drawing and performing double taps on IPSC targets and reloading.

I've been spending more and more time playing with my precision rifle.
I do drills because you fight the way you train. For those that don't drill you are wrong. And more likely than others you are dead.
drawing is an important skill if you CC.
The firing drills are important to everyone.

So think hard about the primary skill set you need and practice those. I drilled so much in the fire department that I could put out a fire on auto-pilot if needed. Your defensive drills should be the same.
I think, most importantly, for it to be training vice practice it must have a predetermined goal. I try to establish up front what I plan to accomplish. It's pretty easy for me to get frustrated (practice 25 yard head shots, for example) and just start wasting ammo. One thing that works well for me when working on accuracy is 5 rounds per magazine. It slows down my rate of fire, makes me concentrate on fundamentals.

My next purchase will be a shot timer. Add another dimension to measurement of skills, and improvement.

Not very specific, sorry. But this works for me regardless of the reason for the trip to the range.
I'll typically do some accuracy work with both the rifle and handgun. The from a ready position I'll do these:
-double taps from rifle
-double taps from handgun (Weaver and isosceles, plus left hand only right hand only)
-blow through the clip handgun (usually isosceles)
-blow through two clips handgun (usually isosceles)
-kneel and fire handgun (usually Weaver)
I too don't make it to the range often, so in lieu of just poking paper for accuracy or fun, I normally have a series of objectives that I need to accomplish for any given session. I'm refering to things like sighting in for an upcoming season, magazine reliabity testing, or testing a new or different ammunition for accuracy and reliability.

I have a log book in my range bag and take notes, recording by each firearm, and the date. That way I know where I stand the next time I go out shooting.
Good call Arizona on the range log. I've been keeping one for reloads and results, but haven't used it for training documentation. Will do so now. Thanks!
I do drills because you fight the way you train. For those that don't drill you are wrong. And more likely than others you are dead.
drawing is an important skill if you CC.

So what happens if you train for the way you fight, but the fight doesn't go down the way you trained?
The only "homework" I get done is seeing how far I have to go to be a consistently accurate shooter. I don't have the ability to run drills at my range. Just bullets on paper standing in my shooting stance.

Anythings better than nothing though IMO.