What Height Bi-pod for Bull Barrel AR?


New member
I'd like to get a bi-pod for my 20" bull-barrel AR with aluminum free-float tube handguard. I'll use it mostly off the bench (picnic tables, etc.), but also on car hoods, stumps, the ground, etc. I see the Harris models recommended regularly. They come in several heights. Which would be best for my purposes? Tall would be nice to allow use when sitting on the ground. I doubt I'll shoot much from the prone position. What's the best compromise?

Also, is the model that swivels/tilts best?

Any experiences with the B-Square bipods (they look good in my Cabelas catalog)?


My wife has the standard length Harris on her HBAR, and is quite happy with it. She is thinking of swapping it out for the version with the tilting base...I'd see if you can try both and decide that way.

Personally, I like the more solid feel of the non-tilting base, but it isn't my rifle.
