The company that I am on contract with is very active in the community. Many of the people here volunteer to help teach at a local inner city elementary school, grades K-5, in a number of subjects. These kids need good positive role models from the community to come in and emphasize the importance of an education and good behavior. Some of the mentors read, help teach math skills, physics, act as chaperones (sp?) for field trips and such. I thought that this would be a perfect group to present gun safety to via the NRA Eddie the Eagle program and I spoke to the teachers and volunteered to coordinate and teach the program on a class by class basis thinking that the 20-25 student class size would be a perfect audience size. I then found out that there are 500 students in this school!!! So it looks like I am becoming an elementary school teacher for a semester. Well, I guess I can put a positive spin on a bunch of impressionable kids that may keep some of them alive and from becoming antis. Now if I could only get them to let me teach a Bill of Rights class to the 5th graders.