What happened to BTI gun safes?


New member
I purchased a gun safe from a company called Bedford Technologies, Inc. (BTI) about 8 years or so ago. I haven't seen any ads for them in a number of years, and wondered if anyone knew what became of them.

The safe is called the Guardian, and is one of those quick-access types. It has four slotted/divided finger holes on the front face of the safe. Each finger hole has two buttons in it. The user can set the combination of buttons to push in order to open the safe. Each set of two buttons per finger hole can be set to require either one button, the other button, both buttons, or none of the buttons to be pushed. (Y'all follow all of that? :)) With a total of 16 buttons, the number of possible cominations is staggering. What I like about it is the fact that when using this safe, a loaded gun can be kept virtually anywhere in the home and available at a moments notice. You can access the safe in the dark, as you never see the buttons you're pushing anyway - you do it completely by feel. I can have my gun in my hand in under 2 seconds.

I think it is much better than the quick-access safes available today, and much bigger as well. If anyone has the Dec. 1993 issue of Combat Handguns magazine, there is an ad on page 91. Anybody else own one of these safes?


Deo Vindice
Senator, I don't have that brand, but I'm looking hard at buying what is called the 'Gunlocker' - see http://www.gunlocker.com/

My concern about safes such as you describe is how to properly secure / hide them. I gather the small, 'tactile' safes like yours are meant to be mounted to furniture or under beds. But, we get a fair number of burglaries around here, and I don't want my primary weapon going out the door with the nightstand! ;)

The Gunlocker actually mounts in the wall, between the studs. Has a lighted, numeric keypad like a security system. Punch in the four digit code, door drops open and your weapon is there.

What do our forum members like / use to secure their weapons from small, curious hands and BG's when their asleep / not at home?
I will look at mine tonight, but it has a black rubber handprint on top, with only one button per finger. The code you program into it is only four "keystrokes", but each stroke can be 1,2,3, or 4 buttons, plus variation in the actual sequence. It is very heavy guage metal, and you might have to use a torch of carbide disk to open it. I'm not sure of the brand, but it's a good one.