What guns do I need for IDPA?

Alex Johnson

New member
Hi everybody. I got invited to shoot in an IDPA match this month, but I'm unsure of what I need to shoot the match. The only pistols I have at the moment are a Kimber Ultra Carry and an Old Colt Officer's model Target in 38 special. Unfortunately I had to sell my Browning Hi-Power last month. What events would I be able to shoot with these guns? Also, is it OK to use hardball in IDPA events?
IDPA requires stock guns with little tolerance for modifications. I think you'll be fine with the Kimber, but I'm not sure about the Colt. Check out http://www.idpa.com for a list of all approved guns and rules.

I'm new to IDPA, and it is an absolute blast. Have fun...
Based on the two guns you have, I would use the Kimber Ultra Carry. Hardball is perfectly okay for IDPA, but you really have to check with your local range rules. I use .45acp factory S&B hardball for instance in my Springfield Armory 1911. I have a combat type open top holster and double pouch magazine holder. Depending on the club, I have found always having two full mags in pouch and another two on my person always helps. I have never had to use more than three mags, the fourth magazine is for toping off. We generally shoot from conceal carry at our matches. You may want to ask about bringing a light weight vest,jacket, or wear a big loose shirt. Good luck.

I too, would suggest the Kimber.
You're gun will fit in better by the
simple fact that most IDPA matches are
more auto friendly. That's not to say
folks don't use revolvers, they do.
Usually,though,revolver shooters understand
they are handicapping themselves and accept
that reality.

You will get hooked. IDPA is what renewed
my interest in handguns. That was almost
three years ago. I think I've missed only
two matches in the past thirty-three
months. As mentioned above, take several
magazines if you choose the auto. A hundred
rounds of ammo wil be more than enough if
your match is run like ours.

Good luck!
As has been mentioned, both guns will work. The revolver presents some challenges but nothing serious. Having speed loaders and speed loader carriers is the challenge. Not all COF are revolver neutral... but you are only compeating against other revolvers so that is not as big a deal.

The Kimber should hold you in good stead, I shoot two different Kimbers myself. Two mags will be ok. Where the challenge will be is if the local club has more than one stage per bay. Here in central Texas, we tend to stay hot and move directly from one stange in a bay to the second one. This would mean you might need 4 mags. Most of the time, we help new shooters with only a couple of mags by reloading mags for them between strings.

The most important thing I can tell you is this... Be Safe... and HAVE FUN!!! I see this as my NUMBER ONE JOB as a Safety Officer; to make sure you do both. If you also learn about being tactical, great. If you win, way freaking cool! But having fun is what this is all about.

Have a great time and let us know how you do. :)

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
Alex, your Kimber will do just fine. Get a good holster and at least 2 spare mags. Most IDPA stages will not use more than 18 rounds. Practice your dry firing and drawing skills. Most importantly, keep your muzzle pointed straight downrange during load and make ready, and when showing clear and empty. When moving, allways keep your finger out off the trigger. If you want to see some IDPA in action, go to SportShooter.com, click on the IDPA section and download some short movies from last years IDPA CA state match.
Revolvers are limited to 5 inch barrels. I would guess your Colt barrel is 6 inch. IDPA matches are supposed to be revolver nuetral. The classifier is based upon no more than 6 shots before a reload. Most revolver shooters use a S&W 625 because it uses moon clips and can be reloaded quicker than other revolvers using conventional speedloaders.
tsk tsk tsk..

NEW IDPA rules say ONLY two spares for auto loaders NO MATTER what class they are in.

Your kimber will do just fine. You'll shoot in CDP class with all of the other 1911's .

Spare mags are always good in case a mag fails or misfeeds.. which over time it will.

Make sure your holster is IDPA approved.


You should be fine with the Kimber just go there and watch the other shooters. I did'nt even start to shoot half way decent at the matches until about the 4th time out. It just takes time and ammo so don't get frustrated if you don't shoot the way you usually do.

The biggest thing is go there have fun and learn as well as meet new friends.

Best wishes Best luck Poacher.