what goes in these bags????

DON'T use beach sand as any crushed sea shells will cut thru the bags, with time.
Go to your local hardware or home supply store and buy a small bag of "Play Sand", this is the sand used in kid's sandboxes.
You will also need a funnel with a narrow neck to fill the bags.
Enjoy. :)

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."
Perhaps another thing to try is to use a plastic liner inside the bag to cut down on any "sand-dust" that could go airborne...and into your bore. Jus' sumpin' to think about...

I fill mine with the ground up walnut shells that they sell at Pets Mart for kitty litter. It works good if you want a very light bag instead of a heavy one.
The only sand that will truly work is the pure white sandbar sand from the lower Mississippi river! Seriously, the "sharp" sand that brick masons use or the sand you can get in bags, not always the bulk, at yard and garden stores is fine. The sand needs to be very dry before attempting to get it into most of the bags I have had.
HTH Hank

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited March 08, 2000).]
I use Polyfill, the tiny plastic beads that are used to fill cloth dolls and such. Every craft store has it. It is lighter than sand and it doesn't get heavy when it gets wet.

Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war.
Suppliers that cater to benchrest shooters sell a dense heavy sand for bags. If I remember right it sells for about $15 for 15 pounds. I bought sand at a pet store that is used in aquariums. It is clean and fine but probably not as dense as the sand sold to benchrest shooters.