What goes around . . .


New member
Picked up this ironic note from another board --

"Y'all have all heard of the SHOT Show, right? Put on by the NSSF. Well, he-he, the next two SHOT Show's were scheduled to be in New Orleans, Louisiana. Seeing as the city is sueing the gun manufacturers, they canceled for both years and are planning to have it in a more gun friendly city.

Well, the Governor of Louisiana has written NSSF a nice friendly letter asking them to come and sit down and talk with them and reconsider and he will be SURE that the City of New Orleans welcomes them if they come. I assume that means he will end the gun company lawsuits when he says that. I know that that's the only way NSSF will bring the SHOT Show back to New Orleans."

If I were them, I'd tell the Gov. of Louisiana I'd let him know "in a couple of years". If we can make anti-gun statements (Rosie/K-Mart) or actions (suing manufacturers) the Third Rail of politics and hit them in the pocketbook, JUST MAYBE we'd start to get our point across.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
They should make him force a statue through that makes it illegal to sue gunmakers, such as has been passed in other States.

Money talks, eh?
Louisiana did pass a law that prevents the gun manufacturers from being sued. This supposedly invalidated the suit by N.O.
The city of New Orleans has filed an appeal that is pending.
It was announced in the local papers yesterday that the SHOT show will be returning to N.O. in 2002.
Details of any agreement between the governor and SHOT officials have not been forthcoming, but Governor Foster is a staunch gun rights supporter, so he was apparently able to come up with something to satisfy them.
Screw 'em. I can't believe I'm saying this, but they have to show people that it's simply stupid to initiate a frivolous, harassing lawsuit against a group of legitimate companies and then expect them to come give you business.

Why can't I believe I'm saying this? Because it should be Farging OBVIOUS!!
This reminds me of Atlas Shrugged when the bureaucrats are trying to make all kinds of shady deals with Rearden. They are honestly surprised that he won't just play the game, preferring to run his business honestly and well. I guess that was accurate--politicians see this whole thing as kind of a game, a play we put on for the masses, and they figure there should be no hard feelings. These reptiles make me shudder.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Look, the antis will probably win the appeal because a law that says you can't sue an industry is (unfortunately in this case) an unconstitutional violation of separation of powers. So in my view, NSSF should tell the governor "Sorry, Charlie, too late" and tell him that unless the antis drop the appeal WITH PREJUDICE to re-filing, or engage in a comprehensive settlement of no liability and release of all claims, where the city of N.O. can never sue again for this nonsense.

good position their and i dont know if it is possible but it would be nice if they could include that they would not proffit from any money or extortion gained from the firearms industry to to local state or national lawsuits.....fubsy.
well, being from Louisiana I can tell you this, Gov. Mike Foster is an avid duck hunter, really big on hunting, fishing, shooting etc. He has passed a law that stops these ignorant lawsuits. I hope that the SHOT show doesnt come to N.O., and if they do sit down and talk to these people, that they let them know that the only way they will bring it is if the lawsuit is dropped. New Orleans is so money hungry that they sometimes post the estimated figures of how much money something like this will bring in, before it has even started.
The Shot show was changed from NO to Vegas last year at the Shot Show We in the business may be a little gullible but we are not stupid. N.O. will be loosing several million dollars every year they were scheduled for the show and it couldn't be happening to a nicer city!
SHOT should reconsider when Mayor Moriel is homeless and eating out of dumpsters.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Oatka, there is more to it than that. The NSSF agreed to have the show in NO after meeting with the NO Tourism and Convention board. NSSF claimed the current site, the Riverside Convention Center, was no longer large enough to hold the show. The NOTC board offered to expand the center at a cost of many millions of dollars if, when completed, the NSSF agreed to hold SHOT at the new center for, I think, 6 of the next 10 or 12 of the next 18 years so the city could recoup the tremendous investment. NSSF agreed to the proposal and it was scheduled for 2000. When NO sued NSSF immediately began scheduling other venues.
To think that Morial's sister is such a nice lady. SHOT out of Naw-lens until Marc dumpster dives!

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt