This is a spin-off of the "DONT GO BACK TO SLEEP!" thread.
It always bugged me in the past when we had those defeatist "What gun will they ban next?" threads. I always thought it should be the other way round, as per this thread's title.
For starters, I'd like to see the NICS banned from keeping records, as the law originally stated. Yeah, they can always back up existing ones, but they'll be pretty dated in a few years. I'd like to see NICS checking system put under an "airline reservation system" criteria, i.e. "you NEVER go down". I can't honestly see NICS being repealed, and in reality, I have no problem with a check being done, IF it's like "Is he/she in your database? No? They get the gun".
I'd love to see the antis being so busy defending their agenda that they can't push any new increments of their own.
Please - no 'ban ALL gun laws' posts - it's not going to happen, even if Charlton Heston was president. What are your REALISTIC proposals?
It always bugged me in the past when we had those defeatist "What gun will they ban next?" threads. I always thought it should be the other way round, as per this thread's title.
For starters, I'd like to see the NICS banned from keeping records, as the law originally stated. Yeah, they can always back up existing ones, but they'll be pretty dated in a few years. I'd like to see NICS checking system put under an "airline reservation system" criteria, i.e. "you NEVER go down". I can't honestly see NICS being repealed, and in reality, I have no problem with a check being done, IF it's like "Is he/she in your database? No? They get the gun".
I'd love to see the antis being so busy defending their agenda that they can't push any new increments of their own.
Please - no 'ban ALL gun laws' posts - it's not going to happen, even if Charlton Heston was president. What are your REALISTIC proposals?