What draws you to Black Powder?


New member
For me it's the discharge sound and the smooth recoil of my revolvers! Black Powder has a deep, powerful sound when it goes off!
To me Smokeless has a sharp crack.
I like both but BP just does something for me!
The sound, the smoke, the history... Also ease of reloading.

Reloading smokeless cartridges? More than a few grains over, or heaven forbid a double charge and you could be in deep trouble.
Reloading blackpowder cartridges? Fill 'er up and stuff a bullet on top.
The smell of rotten eggs in the morning?
Or is it being able to buy BP shootin' irons without being treated like a potential criminal?
What a great question !!!

For me, on the Traditionals, it's the history and yes, romance !!! I also like working with primitive weapons, in generals and use to make my own bows and arrows. In school I didn't do well in history and really into it, now. Yes, I too like the smoke, recoil, putting a good shot-string together and working on all aspect, including the leather, running lead and making horns as well as flasks. ... ;)

On MMLs, teaching and noting else. .... ;)

In regards to M/Ls as well as other things, there are those that touch your heart and M/Ls, does it for me !! ... :)

Be Safe !!!
i sold all my handguns several years ago, got tired off all the red tape here in ct, and have been happy with my rifles. this winter, a ruger old army with parts gun came up at my club for a very friendly price, plus no paper trail. then came cableas xmas sale and a pietta rem 5 1/2 44, then a lgs pietta rem 36 and a uberti rem 36. now i have a lead pot and molds, so it goes.
History, fun and the challenge. Easy to blast an orange size target at 100 yards with a scoped 22. Try that with a smokepole. The camaraderie at Rendezvous is the best I've seen among the shooting community.
Well I used to think

It was the nostalgia and heritage...

That is still a great part of it.

I like working on the pistols.

I like handling the pistols even in the house. Not necessary to go to the range to enjoy that aspect of it.

I like thinking of the process that the manufacturers and designers used that resulted in the highly technical (for that time) tools.

Beginning to load black powder in cartridges and starting with .45 LC was a natural outgrowth of the Cap and Ball interest.

Then to .45-70 and .44-40.

But I can't say that the heritage and nostalgia is restricted to C and B and cartridge rifles and revolvers because I developed a regard for the cheap revolvers of 1880 and onwards to say 1930. That brought with it Semi-autos that were contemporary to those times, and finally military Semi Autos of WW II vintage.

I never dreamed that my interest in C&B would bring me to where I am now.
having my grate grate grandpappies Ely Witny 36 cal revolver I stated shooting it in 1970 wen I got home from the army.It was a big thrill and it started me on the long journy that I am still on.The history and nostelgia keeps me going on to all the blackpowder guns that I can get my hands on.
The hunting with them is more than just the hunt.It pus me in the same shous of the folks of days gone by.
Becasue I like old stuff !!!

Sad to say that in most given areas, there is only a handful of loyal M/L shooters. In my circle, there are only five that still hold to traditional M/L as well as traditional values, in general. I'm talking about folks who have the passion and commitment to old guns and old ways. I still set my own mouse traps, butcher most my own meat. Know how to spit-shine shoes and sharpen a knife and ax. .... :)

As a teaching aid, I often use a mouse trap to teach the students how to safely handle one as a substitute gun. I set the trap and let each student pass it around the room. Was really surprised that some students had never handled a mouse trap, let alone seen one. .... :eek:

Be Safe !!!
D- All of the above.

For me it really is all the above... Its cheap(er) one ya got all the stuff together (which can generally be used on other BP arms as well).. The sexy cool look and feel.. The historical component.. The idea that I dont have to have a corrupt governments permission to exercise what is supposed to be a RIGHT...

And the biggest one of all? It WORKS! The versatility is amazing. I have basically become a hand loader, without having to buy $1000 worth of books and equipment... Anything from snakes while fishing, up to and including deer at short range and even self protection... All it takes it the right load. Its like having 4-5 different hand guns in one package!

In short? I just havent FOUND a downside yet! :cool:
Using and caring for tools our forebearers used when their very lives depended upon them gives me an appreciation for what a momumental task the settling of this continent was. We do indeed stand upon the shoulders of giants, and imagine we are tall ..... With all the advances in technology and the specialization by most people into a very narrow field ..... I'll wager that most people have less practical know how today than their great grandfathers did.

It is not just guns, either: try using hand tools to turn a tree trunk into lumber and then into a usefull item .......
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Mostly the history.
