I watched it at double speed. [click on the gear icon and click on 2x speed]
To quote a mechanical engineering professor teaching engineering ethics at the University of Washington, "If the missile blows up on the launching pad, you don't learn much."
I always argued with that professor. If he were still alive 38 years later, I would call him up and and say, "That depends on the purpose of your test."
Remember high school science lab reports with that part called "purpose"?
Which brings us back to the video of Bob Boozy and his cousin Weenie in lab coats.
Their test plan was probably written in crayon.
A really smart engineer with lots of patents, would ask lesser engineers, "What are you trying to do?"
No matter what they said, he would as the same question again and again until the novice figured out what he was doing.
In the waste basket of life there are the efforts spent on ill defined tasks.