What does this mean?


New member
I was just overlooking my SA 1911 and noticed that the chamber/barrel will drop down with a noticable click when fully locked up and a round in the pipe.

All I did was press down on the chamber with my thumb, accidentally at first, and the drop was about 1/32" or less. Something in there is clicking but I can't say what.

So, what does this mean?

I've also noted what appears to be scrape marks on the primers where the firing pin hits on center and then seems to skid down a bit. Could be up a bit.

Is one related to the other?

As always, your thoughts are appreciated.

When Reason Fails.....
If you can push the barrel down with it load or unload, the barrel in not fully lock up. The barrel vertical lug or barrel feet lug or slide lug are worn and maybe a worn barrel link. For the click I dont know
the click is the barrel bottoming out.

"If there be treachery, let there be jihad."
Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
On a properly fitted gun, the barrel should not drop as you describe. Also the drag mark on the primer indicates premature opening or a weak firing pin spring. I recommend you have that gun checked out by a gunsmith familiar with that pistol.

If "SA" is Springfield Armory, Inc., you might call them and see if they will take a look at the gun.
