What Does TFL Member's Think Of A Taurus Model 82?

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Hello and Good Morning To All:

I was just wondering what the members here at TFL think of a
Taurus model 82 .38 Special caliber revolver?:eek: It kind'a
resembles a Smith & Wesson bull barrel model 10; but with a
satin stainless finish.:rolleyes: I have learned that this is the weapon of choice, for most of the advanced security
companies.:eek: The double action trigger pull on most of these firearms is a nightmare; very heavy from start to finish.:p Do these things shave lead?:rolleyes: And most importantly, would you be willing to bet your life on one
of these firearms?:( All replies are welcome.

Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Bama Dan,

I would not bet my life on a Taurus.

I would (God forbid) bet my life on my S&W 64.

Just my opinion.....based on personal experience with the Taurus brand. ( 3 different models)

Mike M.
Taurus revolvers

In my experience, they are a satisfactory gun for the $


Why not just spend a little more and get a top notch revolver from either Ruger or S&W???
Ala Dan
Three of my shooting partners have Taurus revolvers, the models escape me just now, 2 are .357 and 1 is .44 Spl. Of the three one does not like his at all, but he will not trade it because of the bath he'll take. The other 2 are quite pleased but both had action/trigger jobs done.
If I may be so bold, perhaps a Colt Lawman, (they're still pretty easy to find), would make a suitable alternative for about the same or less $.
Take Care
I have a Taurus 82 which I purchased about 6 years ago. IMHO they were constructed better back then. It is a reliable, accurate handgun. I would bet my life on it. However, I have several S&Ws and Colts that I would depend on before I would use the Taurus! :)
Thanks folk's for the replies. As always, I was just evaluating another firearm; I don't intend to purchase
one myself, for any type of defense or sport shooting;
as I will stick to my Sig auto-loaders for that, or my
pre-agreement Smith & Wesson revolver's.:D:)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

[Edited by Ala Dan on 01-19-2001 at 12:50 PM]
Well, I must report that I got to try out one of these Taurus model 82's this AM; and the range report is not
too good.:( During a driving rainstorm, I shot the A-
P.O.S.T. qualification course with this POS; and only
scored an 82!!!:( Bear in mind that I normally shoot
98 to 100 with auto-loaders; and close to that with
Smith & Wesson revolver's.:):D Not making any excuse's,
but this piece of crap must have had a 25 lb. double-
action trigger pull!!!:rolleyes::eek: To answer my own
question, "Hell NO, I would not bet my life on this boat
anchor"!!!:mad: And I wouldn't recommend a Taurus; even
to my enemies.:D

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member