what does it take to run for potus?


Staff In Memoriam
My 17 nearly 18 year old son asked what does it take to run? I stated you gotta be a natural born citizen, some sort of education, and i think 30 sumthin years old...
He asked "do you need a bunch of money?
HMMMM??? well i had to tell him, "No you don't need a shiny dime to run but to be elected is a different story..."
I am at the point in life where I think we need to delete partisan titles and "RUN WHAT YA BRUNG" Toss yer name and agenda in the hat and let the people decide! If you fail to follow thru in short time than you should be impeached or otherwise booted...
The legal requirements are in the Constitution. Please read it. No, you don't need "some sort of education". I don't mean to come across as a grouch, but everyone should read the Constitution every now and then. If more people did, I believe this country would be in better shape than it currently is.

As for money, sadly, one must spend millions if one wants to be elected these days.
625, I GROSSLY admit it has been :rolleyes:quite some time:rolleyes: since I read it... it is a sad state of affairs when money talks and the smart capable guy walks...
what the heck ever happened to citizens doing their duty to serve the public? my pop talks of a time when folks left the farm to serve in politics. I bet alot of them were disgruntled to find that they done such a good job they were re-elected! We end up with "lifer" politicians! Strom Thurman comes to mind. He may be a fine guy for the job but after how many terms do you realize that you are a pocket tool for the lobbyists? Which is another faction of politics that needs deleted!
good guys our politicians in

The sad fact in America is that in almost every level of politics it god guys out politicians in. And money is the name of the game to get elected. We have seen candidates for school board spend $ 10 to $ 20 K around the country. Mayor easily spend $ 100,000 plus in small town with big city candidate nearing a million.

Life appointments is what most of these politicians get when the make it to the big time: Washington DC. Look at the records and you'll see a very high percentage of multi-term politicians. The so called common folk politician is a myth that only exist in speeches any more. Service to the country has been replaced with self interest and building campaign war funds to stay in office.

Until we see a national referendum that makes term limits a reality we will be tied up in the existing quaqmire of what's best to keep me in office.
I did one stint in politics... albeit very TINY. I was elected to a "policy council" for the local pre-k program. I had my little girl in it so I felt OBLIGATED to accept, I didn't even run! I tell you what... I was disenchanted (I was already a nay sayer) with the machine... I found many "older" folks that ain't give birth in 30 years serving on this council. I was very much a polarized member of the committee! I had 60 year old black ladies saying "You Go Honeychild" I had 40 year old guys sayin' listen to the "surfer" (I never tried to surf)... It was funny! I would stand up and say "yall some money grubbin Ho's" "what you mean we oughta spend the entire budget surplus on one dang school... we got 32 that need help... lets split the surplus and equally try to improve these toddler's experience..." I refused to allow myself to be involved once my daughter was out so I spent one year... A "good ol' boy" suggested i nest under his wing and he would love to see me on the county commission... I flat told him... "Chit dude you out yer frickin' mind! I know what ya'll are about now!" I was 23...

my pop talks of a time when folks left the farm to serve in politics.

Funny you should mention that! That's exactly what one of my uncles did. He became mayor of a small town in Ohio. I believe he was re-elected 3 times. He was one of the rare ones that stood up for the little guy and tried to do the right thing. He was not as highly educated as most politicians these days, but he was definitely smart and had more common sense than just about all Washington politicians combined. I think you are saying that we need more people like him to get involved. I agree! I agree with everything you wrote here.

If you guys wanna read a good story, read "Lone Star Planet." It is a short story where the government of this planet is monitored by the citizens, who are universally armed. Not only are sidearms common, but the richer members of the planet have armored vehicles, AAA, and armed aircraft.

If a citizen assassinates a politician, it is a defense to prosecution to prove that the killing was in the public interest. In this story, one politician is killed by a constituent for suggesting that the government institute an income tax. During the trial, the judge notes that had the defendant not killed the congresscritter, he would have done so himself.

A pretty good read.