Half-sized man target? I'll be darned! Yep, coulda been! All I remembered from Lackland (1959 was a looong time ago for *me*!) was the target was really easy to hit.
My bunk mate in basic was former National Guard or Reserves or some darned thing. He said to avoid other duties on Saturday we should blow the qualification shoot. So I listened to him and we both failed to qualify. Boy, did WE get chewed out! I was really mad at both of us!
Saturday, the rest of the barracks had some ugly, dirty detail across base. My buddy and I (and a few real losers) went shooting!
We both qualified expert.
The E-5 (Omigod! An *E-5*!!) started to chew us out for not qualifying earlier. Then suddenly stopped in the middle of his tirade and squinted at us. The conversation went something like:
Sgt: Wait a minute. You airmen are here because you just wanted to shoot, aren't you!
Me: (terrified little E-1) Sir! Yes, Sir!
He started to laugh, shook his head and just walked away. (Phew!)
As best I remember (through the CRS) we had 100 rounds and had to have 80 body shots.
My first shot was on the paper, just left of the tgt's navel. I aimed at the right side and put 80 in the body and 19 in the head. (Just showin' off!) THAT was how the Sgt got wise to us.
Musta been about July of '59. Jeez! A lifetime ago.
Thanks, Mick.