What does it cost to get shot with a rifle and survive?

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The individual in question was shot twice by Fort Worth Police with an AR15 after he used a shotgun to shoot up a parked car at a local pub. The part of the story that caught my eye was his medical costs: $448,000.

The only reason he made it to the hospital to get $448,000 of medical care was because the guy who shot him was a former combat medic with multiple Iraq tours who was carrying quality gear and rendering aid immediately.

Story: http://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/community/fort-worth/article188475309.html
To answer your question, it depends. A BB to the eye is probably relatively cheap operation to either remove the BB or eye.
If there's a lot of facial reconstruction, you're going to pay for a pair of new Jaguars for the plastic surgeon alone.

As to what it's going to cost FWPD, my guess is 7 figures.
Never cost me a penny for any of my wounds. Today, it would cost a maximum of $4500 for maximum out of pocket since I am just a government retiree.

Can't even guess what the government paid, and could not guess what my insurance company would pay. However, it would be a heck of a lot more than I could afford.:eek:

But a lot would have to do with the damage done to internal organs, and the repairs, including plastics if needed.

A nice through and through with no internal damage would not be as expensive as a few rounds that damaged the heck out of internal organs.

I can say that two years ago, a five day stay in a Major Hospital for Endocarditis and the tests needed, along with the drugs, cost my insurance company over $55000.00; however, only cost me about $2000.00 (give or take a few hundred). So I could guess coming into an emergency room with even two through and through holes, a minimum of a week in the hospital, drugs, etc., would easily be around $200,000.00. And Idaho is a lot less expensive than places like LA, NYC, etc.
So, they are trying to keep him alive so we can get him into court, find him guilty and support him 100% for the rest of his life?
Medical expenses are astronomical regardless of the injury. I have a friend who was self employed with no medical insurance who had a horse fall on him and break a leg 25 years ago. Pretty bad break requiring surgery. He told me then that he'd die before he got it all paid off.

In 2012 dad spent a month in the hospital including 2 weeks therapy, 1 week in ICU and having a pacemaker installed. Medicare and a supplemental insurance policy covered 100%. But I'd not be at all surprised if it didn't cost $200,000 or more.
So, they are trying to keep him alive so we can get him into court, find him guilty and support him 100% for the rest of his life?

Or have his lawyer sue for damages...........
So, they are trying to keep him alive so we can get him into court, find him guilty and support him 100% for the rest of his life?

They are keeping him alive because everyone has a right to a a fair trial, as enshrined in the 6th amendment, and is presumed innocent until proven guilty. We always cry about about how others should follow the Constitution and about being free, well, let’s practice what we preach, even if you don’t like it.

One day, if you are ever falsely accused, you may appreciate that right, too.
Machineguntony said:
They are keeping him alive because everyone has a right to a a fair trial, as enshrined in the 6th amendment, and is presumed innocent until proven guilty. We always cry about about how others should follow the Constitution and about being free, well, let’s practice what we preach, even if you don’t like it.
Well said.

The idea that it it might possibly be OK to let a suspect die rather than provide medical care is reprehensible. I haven't deleted the posts in which this idea has been pursued, but discussion of it ends NOW.
I got a bill for $23900 for an afternoon in the ER after I passed out at a shooting match.
Then there was an "adjustment" of $23300, leaving about $600, of which Medicare paid most, leaving me to write a check for $138.
I don't know how they figure such stuff. The personnel and lab time surely had a fair market value of much more than $600, but $23900 seems excessive, and I don't know who covered the "adjustment."

After The Incident of 2010, I got a real bill for $18000 for an evening in the ER, no "adjustments". My insurance agent was able to get my homeowners to pay a little, then Medicare covered the rest, but they would not be First Payer. I never saw the bills for the following month in ICU, hospital, and rehab, followed by three months of physical therapy. I was afraid to ask, but Medicare and BCBS left me with only a few hundred dollars to pay.
Just my personal experience:
Hospital stay for 9 days, the year BEFORE Obamacare:26,000$
Hospital stay for 1 night, the year AFTER Obamacare: 46,000$

It was for the same condition, and the second hospital already had the record of
my previous visit, to guide them in care...
Interesting information provided in the OP. The topic has sort of wandered around after that, and mostly into areas that aren't really on topic for TFL.
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