What does assembling of a field AR15 have to do with background checks?

Well, he's certainly convinced me that he's an idiot who can assemble a rifle that millions of others can assemble too.
One common criticism of gun control advocates is that they have no clue of the firearms they want to regulate. By demonstrating familiarity with the firearm, he hopes to sidestep this common criticism and gain some credibility.

It doesn't make his stance any more correct, but it does show at least a passing familiarity with common controversial rifles that other politicians (Feinstein or De Leon, for example) completely fail to demonstrate
In the minds of logical US people, not a darn thing. In the minds of those unfamiliar with firearms in general, guns should be much more complicated than something that one can assemble blindfolded. The ad implies that only non-civilians have the expertise to own and operate firearms.

My wife's family is like that. They are frigging afraid of guns but have never shot one or even handled one. My wife was the same way until she met me. She now has her CCW and carries every day. Her family thinks she's Annie Oakley or something. My wife is not. She's just someone who knows that a gun can help her out in a bad situation. Her favorite saying? "When seconds count, the cops are only minutes away." :D
Being that at least one antigun ballot initiative, and the idea of an assault weapons ban for Washington state I suppose the local onslaught of the 2a has begun around the country
I'm sorry, my ears are deaf to anti-2nd Amendment idiots after the terrorist attacks in New York and Minnesota this weekend. My ears no longer hear morons who preach gun control for good guys in the wake of foreign terrorists who are allowed to walk and murder among us!
^^you got that right ^^

I corrected my typo'ed title.

This also reminds me of fantasy spy movies where they assemble their firearm out of a brief case prior to each use.
Facebook is my friend..... I'm a far left hippie gun hater on Facebook.....
You have to get in bed with the other side to know what you're up against. Quiet enlightening to know how the other half thinks.
I used to teach in the Army (Helicopter gunnery) and I would make all my students assemble an M-60 with their eyes closed.
Many could also assemble a 50 Cal that way.
It was more of a way of making learning fun than anything although hopefully they never really needed that particular skill.
Not always formally taught, but every wartime task was learned to master in the dark.

Back in my early days, "the Army owns the night" was the mantra and we did it.
I think most anyone who was going to vote for him or not sure will like this ad. The people who don't like weren't going to consider voting for him. He really doesn't care what we think.

Not too bad with the parts laid out in perfect order. He should try it after someone tears the rifle apart and drops the parts randomly in tall grass in front of him.
I don't get it, does he think we should vote for him for putting a 4 piece puzzle together? I can teach my 4 year old nefew that!