What does an expanded 9mm hollowpoint look like?


New member
There is another thread running about 45 HP pics, and I was interested in seeing some similar pics of 9mm.

Here is one I collected after firing into water jugs. It is a ProLoad 124gr+P (Gold Dot). At the widest point it measures 0.663"

ProLoad 124gr+P

Anyone else have some pics?
Into test media they look like mushrooms. From game and people they rarely do; deformation is a better word than expansion.

A few yrs ago shot most of the 9/40/45s into road killed deer (was somewhere where they got hit a lot). You could measure the diffferences, but not reallly much difference ya could see in your hand at arms length; often hard to tell am apart, and some 9s got bigger and/or went deeper than some 40/45s.